Chapter 9 - He Might Be Useful

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Alpha Liam reacted immediately once Jasper told him that Chuck was willing to cooperate. The two had been trying to convince the man to leave Sally for so long, but the only reason Chuck even listened to Darren was because he thought his sister sent him.

Earlier, the spirit had explained the importance of 'Mrs. Ayudame' to Darren. It was a secret code that Chuck new meant his sister had found a way to help him escape. The first step was telling a fake story that told Chuck what to do when he escaped. The next was to use the baseball card to distract Sally until he was safely out of the house.

    Unfortunately Sally had skipped town with Chuck before his sister could put it to action. The woman then covered their tracks so his family wouldn't know where they went, or how to contact them.

On the outside, Sally really did look like one of the sweetest, most innocent girls you'd meet, but the truth was that she was extremely manipulative and emotionally unstable. Chuck's speech impediment had made him an easy target due to his low self esteem, and Sally spent years using that to her advantage.

As soon as they arrived at the police station, Chuck asked to see his sister, Tasha, and the officers had to make a few calls before finding out she had committed suicide. The mans wails could be heard throughout the station, and the sound caused Darren's stomach to knot up.

    Liam emerged from the back with an officer and spotted the rogue sitting alone in the waiting room. Darren didn't stand to greet him. He barely even registered that the man had entered before looking back down to the ground. Normally his defiant nature would have him meet the Alpha's gaze directly, but Chucks echoed cries were grating on his ears and putting him on edge.

    Wordlessly, Alpha Liam sat beside him. Darren glanced over to find the man eyeing him.

    "Do you know how long we've been trying to get help for Mr. Morris?" He asked somberly.

    Darren shook his head.

    "They joined the pack five years ago." He explained. "I noticed something was wrong immediately, but when I tried to intervene, Chuck only grew fearful of me. I had to start sending Jasper instead."

    "Why didn't you just use a command on him?" Darren wondered.

    "Because Mr. Morris's mental state would not have endured an Alpha Command. Had I tried, his mind could very well have shattered, leaving him as nothing more than a husk of himself."

    A shiver ran down Darren's spine. He hadn't considered the possibility that there was a downside to using an Alpha Command, but when he thought about it, it made sense. The man was already being emotionally and physically controlled, the only thing he had left was his mind. If that were also under someone else's control....

    Shaking his head, he turned completely towards the Alpha. "What's going to happen to them?"

    "Chuck is going to return to his family pack and get the help he needs. As for Sally, she will be punished now that we have evidence of her crimes."

    He nodded approvingly before returning to his examination of the floor tiles. Suddenly he felt a hand on his back and he instinctively jerked away. The alpha paused, then retracted his hand. "You were a great help today. I want you to know that we are grateful." And with that, he stood and gestured for Darren to follow.

    Outside, Jasper was standing by his car with his arms folded, deep in thought. When he noticed the two approaching, he straightened up to properly greet his Alpha, then turned and stiffly greeted Darren.

    "Jasper, I want you to keep Darren close to your side from now on. It seems his ability could be more useful than we thought." Liam ordered.

    Jasper surprisingly didn't argue and instead glanced towards the rogue before nodding in agreement.

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