Chapter Twenty Five

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Having Michael as my boyfriend was the best decision I ever made. He was so kind and funny, and was just so..real. No games, just a blatantly honest, good guy.

A week after we made it official Michael and I decided to drive to Holmes Chapel so he could finally meet my parents. I was so nervous because not only was I introducing Michael, but I was introducing him as my boyfriend. My parents didn't know I was gay.

That was something I struggled with for so long, for the longest time I couldn't even say the word, let alone admit it to my family and friends. I was ashamed. It was my therapist who finally got me to admit everything, and she encouraged me to accept myself and try and tell someone. The first person I told was my sister three months later.

I sat in the passenger seat of Michael's moms car, as we were just about to arrive in Manchester where we rented a hotel. I glanced over at my boyfriend as he lightly hummed "Save Rock And Roll", eyes focused on the long road. I placed my hand on his thigh unexpectedly, making his leg twitch slightly.

"Hey Mikey?" I questioned, gently rubbing his thigh. "What's up babe?" He turned to me. "Do you think we can make a quick stop up ahead? I have something I need to do." I asked. "Yeah, of course, just tell me where to go." He smiled, intertwining our fingers.

Around 20 minutes later, we arrived at our destination. Manchester Royal Lunatic Asylum.

"Baby. What's going on?" Michael turned to me, turning off the car. "I lived here for three years Michael." I whispered glancing at the large building I once called home. "Three years? Curls, I thought you said you were in rehab, not a mental hospital." He whispered back, rubbing my forearm up and down.

"I wasn't put into rehab until last year. Until then I was deemed clinically insane and a harm to myself and others." I looked at him scared of his reaction. "Insane? Harm to others? What the fuck Harry, you didn't tell me all this! Are you okay? Dammit, I wish you told me it was this bad, baby." He pulled me into a tense hug. "I just used to get really angry when the doctors told me I couldn't cut anymore...I kind of broke a nurse's arm once. Michael, please don't think differently of me because of this. I'm better...not perfect, but I'm okay now. I've been medicated, I'm happy. You make me happy." I pulled back looking into his green eyes.

"Of course I don't think anything less of you, are you crazy? Ok. Bad choice of words." We both laughed. "Why are we here though?" He continued. "I just need to thank my doctor for everything she did. I think she'll be pretty proud that I'm going to tell my parents today." I smiled.

Doctor Teasdale couldn't have been prouder of how far I'd made it. She reminded me to never be afraid to be myself, and the right people won't leave your side no matter what. I even introduced her to Michael, her advice to him? "Take care of my boy, Michael. Oh, and you should try something different with your hair...the red's too much. Go with blue, it'll bring out your eyes." So, now we take fashion advice from psychiatrists.

We arrived at my parents house a few hours later. I couldn't wait to surprise them. I knocked on the front door of our old brick house, suddenly being greeted by my gorgeous mum.

"Harry! Oh my God, baby what are you doing here? Are you okay? Did you drive here? Who's this?" I was bombarded with questions as she attacked me with a hug. "I'm fine mum. I wanted to surprise you!" I laughed. "Well, I'm surprised! Let's go surprise Robin." She ushered me into the house.

"Robin honey? Come here!" Mum called. "What's wrong?" He questioned, entering the living room. "Harry! Oh my God!" He boasted, grabbing me in a bone crushing hug. "Hey Dad." I chuckled. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I had the weekend off, so I figured I'd come surprise you guys." I smiled again. "We missed you so much bud. How're you doing? Sorry, who's this?" He asked, now noticing Michael's presence.

"My name is Michael Clifford sir." He introduced himself, shaking my step-dad's hand. "Australian?" He asked. "Yes sir." Michael chuckled. "How do you two know each other?" My mom chimed in. "Well, actually that's why we're here. Can you guys sit down?" I began nervously.

"What's wrong honey?" Mum asked worried. "Nothing actually." I smiled, sitting next to Michael on the couch. "It's taken me a while to tell you guys this, and this might be hard to understand, but I hope you'll accept me. I know you don't understand why I was so sick all those years, but I'm ready to tell you a bit. I began hurting myself when I realized I was gay. I'm sorry I never told you, but I'm gay. Only a few people know, but I love you guys so much, and you've always been there for me, so I figured it was time you knew the truth. This is my boyfriend Michael...and I like him a lot. Please don't hate me." I shook nervously, holding back tears. Michael sensed my tension, and grabbed my hand lovingly.

"Harry. How could you ever think we wouldn't accept you? We love you so matter what." Robin spoke, shocked at my confession. "Baby, I'm sorry you felt you couldn't tell us. I love you no matter what gender you decide to love." My mom cried, rushing over to hug me. Finally coming out was such a relief. They accepted me. I was okay.

"So you're my son's boyfriend huh?" My Dad questioned Michael. "I am." Michael smiled back. "What are your intentions with my son?" He fired back. Gosh. Really, Robin? I mean, I guess Michael looked sort of intimidating, but he's seventeen for Christ sakes. I'm a grown man, I can handle myself.

"My only intention is to make your son as happy as possible for as long as I can. He's amazing." Michael answered confidently, wrapping his arm around my waist protectively. "Good answer." Robin smiled, patting Michael on the back. "Who wants some dinner?" My mum asked enthusiastically.

Everything was going to be okay.

After dinner, Michael and I headed out to the back porch to sit together on the swing. We curled up under a blanket, as I leaned into his broad chest. "I love your family Curls." He whispered into my ear as his arms wrapped tightly around my shivering body. "Thank you. They love you too, I can tell. Thanks for coming with me this weekend." I tilted my head back to peck his lips. "Anytime babe." He smiled down at me.

We sat in quiet peace for a while before Michael finally broke the silence. "Hey babe? If you could chose, what do you think the best way to die would be?" He asked, his head seemingly somewhere else, as his eyes gazed into the distance.

"I don't know. It doesn't really matter does it? Nobody's dying." I chuckled, settling deeper into his hold. "I think the best way to go would be slowly drifting off as I watch the sunset over the ocean in Australia. Yeah...that would be it." He spoke mesmerized. "Sounds nice...but it doesn't really matter." I answered. "Yeah....but what if it did?" Michael retorted, his hands loosening their grip on mine.

"What do you mea-" I began, but was soon cut off by my mum. "Boys get inside it's freezing out there!" She yelled from the kitchen. Michael and I headed back into the house, never finishing our odd conversation.

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