On the set

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The advantage of being 18 and being roommates with your brother is definitely freedom. You don't get nagged by your parents anymore but you're still with a part of your family. Plus since he is out all the time for work, you can study in peace. I was especially glad to be free to wake up at any time in the morning on vacations. Yet, when the daylight came into my room that day, I shut my eyes tight and grunted when I heard Paul's clear voice.

"Bye, Angela. I'm going!"

"Okay." I mumbled, still half-asleep. "Wait. Where are you going so early?"

"I'm going to work. The shooting is for today. That's what I said last time when we met the boys, remember?"

Of course, I couldn't remember it was today since I hadn't been listening to him at all the other day. I had been too busy making a fool of myself in front of my favorite band, so it had definitely slipped my mind. As he left the room, I quickly got up and dressed.

"I'll probably be late for dinner tonight, so don't wait up for me. Okay?"

"Okay. Um, just to be sure, you're filming the new video for the song Love who loves you back, right?"

"That's right."

"So the boys will be there, then?"

When I asked, Paul looked at me and paused, probably wondering if I was kidding.

"Well, duh. It's their video, dummy!"

"Big brother-" I started.

He stared at me as I was now joining my hands in prayer, facing him with big, cute eyes and a little smile.

"Oh, no. No way. There's no way I'm taking you with me. We already talked about it. You promised you wouldn't ask me that!"

"Please, please, please, Paul!" I begged and followed him at the entrance. "Just one more day! I'll be good, I swear!"

"You also swore you would be good, last time. Need I remind you what happened? I'm going. Alone."

"Wait! This is important!" I said as he went out of the apartment. "I need to tell them that I'm sorry for what I said last time!"

"Then I'll tell them, don't worry."

"Saying that won't make me feel better, you know!" I shouted.

As he was about to get in his car, Paul turned and glared at me, but I didn't look away.

"Look, they mean the world to me, you know that. The least I can do is show them that their biggest fan is not just a stupid little brat. They deserve better fans than that."

Paul kept glaring at me, now hesitating, then looked at the time on his phone, glared at me again and finally sighed.

"Alright." he said and pointed at the car. "Get in. But I'm telling you," he said as I got in and closed the door, "if I hear your voice get any louder than a whisper on the set, we'll immediately head back home and I'll burn all your Tokio Hotel posters. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir." I said in a whisper and smiled.

"Good. Now let's go or I'll be late on my first day."

With no surprise, when we arrived, the parking lot was much more crowded than last time. It was now full of dozens of trucks with people unloading them and handling heavy machinery. When we then arrived on the set, technicians and cameramen were running everywhere, giving orders calling each other's name. Some of them even pushed us to the side as we were trying to avoid stepping on miles and miles of cable on the floor. The place felt warmer than before but it was also much noisier. Finally, we saw the director who was busy talking to three different people at the same time and already sweating a lot. The cold underground parking lot had been transformed into a giant oven, its huge surface divided into several little sets with cameras and lightning systems installed everywhere, all turned on at full power.

I didn't mind it much though. Most of all, I was intrigued by the presence of all the extras here and there, both male and female models, all of them dressed in very short, dark and glittery outfits. I assumed they were dancers, which was disturbing: I could imagine them in anyone's music video except Tokio Hotel's. I went to ask Paul about it when his boss saw us.

"Hey Paul!" he barely stopped his speech to greet my brother. "I thought you'd never show up. Everyone's ready. The guys will be there in a minute, and I already feel dehydrated. Who is she?" he asked and pointed at me.

"That's Angela, my little sister. She said she wanted to be there and lend a hand in case I needed her." Paul lied.

However, whether his boss believed him or just didn't care because he was so busy with all the rest, he didn't mind.

"So you're the assistant's assistant then?" the director told me and put his huge, heavy hand on my shoulder. "Fine, just find a spot in a corner and don't get in the way too much, okay, sweetheart?"


He then left with all the people he was talking to.

"Thanks." I told him when we were alone. "Can I ask you a question?"


"What's with all the models?" I said and glanced at a few of them, smoking and laughing in a corner of the room. "Are they here to dance?"

"Depends on how you define dance." Paul replied and smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked naively.

"Oh wow, you didn't listen to me at all last time, did you?" he asked and sighed, embarrassed. "That's the other reason why I didn't want to bring you here. Today's session is not really kid-friendly, if you know what I mean."

I stared at him with a questioning look and Paul continued:

"The boss wants a really particular atmosphere for the song, with people making love everywhere and stuff."

"Oh." I replied. "But I thought it was a love song."

"It is. It's just not your type of love song."

When I looked at the sexy extras again and tried to mentally associate to with my favorite band, my mind refused to process it, like a broken computer.

"I see." I answered bitterly. "It's their new type of love song. They've changed much more than I thought."

"Will you be okay with that?" Paul tauntingly asked.

"Why, of course, I will!" I replied, upset. "What do you think I am? A prude or something? I'm 18. I've seen this kind of stuff many times before. In fact, there's nothing new about it at all, so it definitely won't shock me!"

"Good for you. By the way, they arrived." Paul said and pointed at them.

I instantly turned my head. Here they were indeed, the four of them, all wearing huge sunglasses, smiling as they greeted everybody. However, I wasn't so excited to them anymore. I still couldn't believe that, once again, they were going to symbolically tear their old image in pieces. Except that now, they were going to do this right under my nose and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Now you can go apologize and tell them you were wrong, right?" my brother whispered.

"Sure." I answered. "Sure, I can. I'm a big girl, I definitely can. Let's go."

But the closer they were to us, the less comfortable I felt. Although I was hidden by the crowd between us, my legs were shaking and not moving at all. Actually, I was even more nervous than before since I was all alone. Where was Sarah when I needed her? Fortunately, the director went to welcome them before they could see me. I sighed, relieved. Although I could rationally explain why I despised them now, they still had an incredible power on me, like booze on an alcoholic.

"Maybe I'll talk to them later." I whispered to Paul.

Girls, a piece of advice: never postpone a decision; it only makes it harder and harder to keep. That's a lesson I learned very well that day.

Love me back (Bill Kaulitz fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now