Chapter Seven.

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The next morning I woke up with Lena entangled in my body. The bright sun bouncing off her pale skin. Her hair shining perfectly in the light. I continued to watch the woman sleep peacefully. She began to stir and pulled me closer. "Mmhm, you're so warm and comfy," Lena smiled into my chest.

"The bed was extra warm last night, I enjoyed it" I replied.

"Maybe I will have to sleep over more often," Lena suggested.

"I'd like that, and I'm sure Katie would too," I said, softly placing a kiss on her lips.

"This is the best feeling ever, well second best feeling," Lena said. Lena shivered a little bit and pulled me closer.

"Are you cold?" I asked. She nodded. "Here," I pulled her closer and wrapped her with all the blankets.

"Thank you, I'm feeling warmer already," she said. "Do you think Alex would kill us if we showed up late to pick Katie up?" Lena asked.

"Yes, which is why we should," I said. Lena smiled and rolled on top of me, kissing her roughly. She slid her tongue onto my mouth asking for access. I granted it to her and our tongues began to fight for dominance. I won of course. Along with being the top.


"An hour and 17 minutes, you're lucky I didn't call the cops," Alex complained as Lena and I arrived on her doorstep.

"Look, I'm Supergirl and I'm here so get over it!" I said.

"Lena Kieran Luthor!" Alex shouted.

"How do you know my full name, I only told Kara?" She asked.

"I'm a DEO agent and I have our file," Alex replied. "You have a hickey!"

"No, I don't!" She said as she ran to the bathroom. Second later she can back and slapped me.

"Ow, what was that for?" I asked.

"This!" She pointed at her neck.

"Wait, you gave that to her?" Alex asked. I nodded.

"Well who else would give it to her," I replied.

"I'm so mad you can't get a hickey!" Lena said grumpily.

"Oh she can," Alex said. My eyes shot towards her.

"What?" I said.

"She used to have to take a pill that lessened her power and she came home with one when she was 16, mom lost her shit," Alex said.

"Hey, tiny child ears!" I shouted as Katie came running up to me.

"Have you found a school for her yet?" Lena asked.

"There is nothing here for her, she doesn't know how to control her powers," I replied.

"Well if you need help finding one, we can help you" Alex said.

"I found one, it's just not in National City," I said without making eye contact.

"Well you should go, where is it?"Lena asked.

"Itsinmysticfallsvirginia!" I said in what Alex calls Kara talk.

"But that's over 2,000 miles away," Lena said.

"You understood that?" Alex and I said at the same time.

"Where Kara?" Alex asked.

"The Salvatore boarding school for Supernatural beings in Mystic Falls," I said.

"Kara you can't go," Alex said sternly.

"Why not, she need a proper education and sending her to the schools here would expose the both of us, and they wouldn't help her at all!" I said. "And they already excepted her, I have to leave in a few weeks."

"Kara you can't, please tell them you changed your mind, we can find something for her," Alex begged.

"I'm leaving it two weeks and that's final!" I shouted. Lena stayed silent. She held Katie and bright her outside.

"And what are you going to do about the city?" Alex asked.

"I am going to make a public announcement that I will no longer be the hero of National City," I replied.

"What about Cat-co?" She asked.

"I am going to talk to Cat tomorrow and I will give up my apartment in a this week," I said.

"J'onn?" She asked.

"I'm going over there the minute you relieve me from 20 questions." I replied.

"Go, I'm not stopping you," she said. She was pissed but I didn't care. My daughter needed to learn to control her powers

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