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Sophie watched helplessly at the blond beside her. His faced was still scrunched in pain, no matter how many happy waves she sent into his head
"Sophie," The voice made her jump "I'm telling you, you need sleep," Elwin placed a gentle hand on her shoulder
"But look at him. He needs someone here. Maybe if I just try a little harder, I can reach him," she scrunched her brows, trying extra hard to focus on all her happy memories and forcing them to build in the back of her mind
"I don't think Keefe would want for you to be letting yourself go for him," Elwin reminded her
"No, but-"
"No. You need sleep. You either do so willingly, or I'll force this sedative down your throat." Elwin said, and Sophie knew he meant it
"But what if he wakes up? Or has more nightmares?" She asked
"If he wakes up, I'll make sure you're the first to know. If he has more nightmares. . . I have some solutions," Elwin assured her
"Fine. . . Just. Please make sure he's okay?" She asked
"Of course. Now, goodnight, Sophie." Elwin told her
"Goodnight." And she let the light whisk her away

First thing the next morning she got up and went to foxfire. Even though It was a school day, Sophie stalked past the pyramid, and through the natural flow of other students
"Miss. Foster, where are you going?" Sandor asked
"To see Keefe." She told him simply
"But your school-" Sophie cut him off with her best try me glare, one that she knew Keefe wood be proud of. Keefe. Another pang of hurt almost knocked her back a step, Anything that reminded her of him would make the hole in her chest just a little deeper. And by now she was surprised there wasn't a literal hole straight through her, since Keefe was everywhere she went. That bench? Looks exactly like the one he sat on when she met him. That tree? That's where he stuck an effluxer when they were in detention together. Anytime someone smirked, or she overheard another student talk about a prank, she felt tears burn behind her eyes. She averted her gaze and looked at the floor, hurrying toward the healing center.

She flung open the door, and immediately saw a bustle of activity. Elwin dashed around from room to room, carrying a bag so big Sophie almost though he was going to topple over.
"What's wrong?" She asked, jumping out of the way as a bottle filled with who knew what rolled toward her
"He's waking up," was all Elwin said
"What?! You said you'd call me!" Sophie yelled
"He isn't awake yet. And. . . Well, I wanted to make sure it wasn't a false alarm before I told you. But, you're here now," he sighed "So you might as well stay. Sit next to him, and tell me if anything changes, and I mean anything." Sophie nodded and settled in next to Keefe

A half hour seemed to turn the office into something entirely different. Gadgets and elixirs and books were piled on every available surface, and Elwin was as Keefe's side, staring at him with his glasses already on
"Can I please go into his mind-" Sophie asked for what had to be the millionth time
"I told you, no. We have no idea what's in there, it might not be safe," Elwin told her. He seemed to see the look on her face "I'm sure it's fine for Keefe, I mean. Just. . . Maybe not for someone on the outside," he tried to assure her. She managed a weak nod before
"Ughhh, my head," a small groan sounded from the bed in front of both of them, and Sophie's head snapped down, to where Keefe's eyelids were slowly fluttering open
"Shh. Don't talk. Slowly open your eyes if you can," Elwin sprung into action, grabbing a bottle of youth and a dozen elixirs. Keefe's usually vibrant ice blue eyes seemed dull-almost a grey color, but they did slowly open. Sophie let a small strangled sound slip, and Keefe's eyes bounced over to her. He opened his mouth before Elwin reminded him he couldn't talk. He gently nodded, but his eyes stayed locked on hers. Sophie didn't move, didn't breath. She wouldn't dare do anything to shatter the moment, as if trying to make it was real. Finally she reached out slowly, grabbing his hand, and squeezed. He squeezed back. And in that moment, she knew, her Keefe was back.

"I'll uhh, let you two be," Elwin awkwardly shut the door to his office, leaving just Keefe, Sophie, and their bodyguards. Sophie still didn't say anything. Taking a hint, Ro got up, and led Sandor and Bo out into the hallway. Ro seemed to shoot Keefe a look that said don't mess it up as she closed the door. It had been a half a week since Keefe had woken up, and Sophie had tried to visit him everyday, but up until now Elwin wouldn't let anyone in. He had said Keefe needed 'undisturbed healing time' for a while
"Hey," she said simply
"Hey," he said back, propping himself up, trying to sit up fully.
"Here," She rushed to his side, helping him slowly lift himself up and propping pillows behind him "better?"
"Better." He agreed
There was a charged silence before Keefe finally broke it
"Foster," he cleared his throat "Sophie. Ro and I have been talking, and she kept telling me how close I was to dying a couple times. And it made me realize-" Sophie's heart dropped, along with her eyes and she looked at the ground. She had been expecting this. It honestly surprised her it took this long. She took a deep breath, stealing herself to say the words she carefully recited for when this conversation inevitably took place
"You've realized that being my friend is too dangerous, and that you don't want to- to hang out with me anymore." She finished for him. She felt her eyes fill with tears and fall down her face and she let the meaning hit her. She was probably never going to see Keefe again "it's- it's okay," she told him through small sobs "I get it. I wouldn't want to be my friend either-"
"What? Foster, no. Look at me," he waited till she did "Sophie, I was going to say. . . It made me realize that. . . Some things need to happen, one thing specifically that I've been putting off for way too long. Sophie- I love you," Keefe whispered the last words, so quite she was sure he hadn't heard him right. They sat in silence for a second before Keefe repeated it, almost shouting this time
"I love you!" His face was redder then she'd ever seen it before when she made herself look up. There was another charged silence, when it clicked.
"I love you, too, Keefe." She whispered
"I- what?" Keefe asked
It finally made sense. In the time that he was gone. . . She felt hollow. She realized she needed him more then anyone else on the planet. He was her rock, her best friend. Someone that pushed her limits and tested her, and sometimes annoyed her, but always made sure she was safe. Always wanted her happy. Always put her before himself. And she realized, right then and there, that she did the same for him. And that. . .
"I love you, too" she laughed, giddy, and he laughed too. He was red and smiling and seemed to be stunned
"Foster?" Keefe asked
"Yes, Keefe?" She asked back
"Can I kiss you?"
She didn't respond. Instead, she tilted his head toward her and leaned in, meeting his lips with hers. And in that moment, everything was perfect.

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