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201. Congrats on completing 200 facts-

202. I am better at English than at Hindi, even though it is my mother tongue.

203. E-girls are kinda cringe.

204. I bet you can't guess my age considering my language and way of typing.

205. Even if you did guess it correctly, I won't tell.

206. I don't know whether I use American English or British English.

207. I don't know what is my accent but my friends say it is pretty different from the people I know.

208. I agree with this.

209. I like putting abstract art as my tab wallpaper.

210. I think my life is interesting but not weird kind of interesting.

211. The teachers in my school used canes when my father studied there.

212. I'm kinda famous in my school.

213. I won 1st position in a cyber Olympiad when I was 8 years old. It was national first position and my first scholarship.

214. I won 2nd position in an environment based Olympiad when I was 11.

215. I wake up at 10:00 am on weekends.

216. I usually go to sleep at 11:00 pm or anytime after 10:00 pm.

217. I am joining the Miraculous Ladybug fandom.

218. Miraculous is pretty good, actually.

219. I've never confessed to anyone I liked.

220. Sometimes when I say something to somebody, I overthink what their reaction would be.

221. I usually forget secrets that people tell me, and I don't share secrets with people.

222. I'm a good secret keeper and listener.

223. I know the difference between 'advice' and 'advise'.

224. As well as between 'effect' and 'affect'.

225. I don't like overreacting when there is no need to overreact.

226. Irony is great.

227. I see memes and jokes on insta.

228. Creepy pictures are...well, creepy.

229. I'm not scared of horror stories (reading them).

230. I have 4 close friends irl.

231. I kinda consider myself superior to others.

232. I don't like maths much, but I'm decent at it.

233. I like music, but whenever I stumble upon a new song which I like, I try to sing it in my head but then realize I only know one line :(

234. I suck at sports but I always wanna be the leader of the team.

235. I talk to my imaginary audience in my head when I'm bored.

236. I'm not super sensitive.

237. I wear a watch when I'm going out.

238. I don't do make-up.

239. The only thing I'm allowed to buy freely is hair accessories.

240. I weigh more than 50 kg.

241. I once visited a snowy area….

242. ...and I realised I don't like snow. AT ALL.

243. I use my tab 4-5 hours a day.

244. Some books on Wattpad are cringey af.

245. My school doesn't have lockers.

246. Ugh this is so annoying.

247.  My first phone was an iPhone 4 which I got when I was 8 years old.

248. My first tab was broken by my brother, who threw it across the room.

249. Just because I wasn't allowing him to play games on it.

250. I've completed one-fourth of the facts😌

251. But I still have three-quarters left😭😭😭

252. Oooh platform nine and a three-quarters🚂

253. I don't understand how to play Minecraft.

254. I don't play PUBG.

255. And I dunno why is it addicting for people.

256. I rarely play games.

257. I believe and listen to my brain more than my heart.

258. I like memes.

259. Especially dank memes.

260. I'm like the newspaper comic called family circus.

261. I suck at making memes.

262. I like diamonds and gold…?

263. Maybe because of their value?

264. I do not like waking up in the morning.

265. Neither do I like to sleep in the night.

266. I feel sleepy

267. I go to school by bus.

268. It takes me 20 mins to reach school.

269. My father once dropped me off to school in just 2 minutes 😳

270. My school is pretty big.

271. It's very open and airy.

272. There are many trees in my school.

273. My school ground is very big.

274. I cringe when I listen to my recorded voice.

275. My listening and speaking skills are good.

276. I'm bad at origami.

277. Though I can do simple origami.

278. My father brought me flying dolls once.

279. I had fun playing with the dolls.

280. Though they soon broke :(

281. My mother doesn't give me pocket money.

282. I have to ask for it.

283. I don't like to ask.

284. I feel hungry.

285. I don't exercise, I'm lazy af.

286. Though I'm not fat.

287. I don't know how to sew.

288. I forget to drink water.

289. I just drank water.

290. I sometimes cry when I'm angry or frustrated at my family/friends?

291. Although I can control my emotions well.

292. I don't like people peeking at my screen.

293. Makes me uncomfortable.

294. I pretty much have a neutral expression throughout the day.

295. I like looking at myself in the mirror.

296. More like admiring.

297. I'm not into k-pop.

298. My class has 4 columns.

299. Each column has 5 rows.

300. My hair is naturally straight.

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