The Musician of Scotland

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The Musician of Scotland

Once upon a time in the land of Scotland there lived a musician named Donald. The instrument he played was the bagpipes and he played them wherever he went. Donald played his bagpipes on the streets, at parties and at banquets. Anyone, who listened to him playing, loved it when Donald played his bagpipes. His music was so well played, they would beg for more.

          One day Donald was riding his horse to the castle near Loch Ness Lake. The king of Scotland was holding a banquet at the castle and had asked Donald to play his bagpipes there. When they reached the Loch Ness Lake Donald stopped to examine it. Loch Ness Lake was the biggest, clearest, beautiful lake that Donald had ever seen. He wanted to stay and look at it for longer, but he had to get to the banquet.

          Donald was just about to leave when he heard a funny noise. It sounded like a groaning, moaning wailing sort of noise. To find out what the noise was about Donald followed it. The noise seemed to be coming from an open cave that stood next to the loch. The cave was really wide and dark; it made Donald feel very nervous. Part of him wanted to leave, but he wanted to find out who or what was making the noise.

          Donald went inside the cave. He didn't exactly see anybody inside the caves, only sand and rocks. "Is there anybody in here?" he whispered. Then there came a soft growl coming from behind some rocks. Donald slowly and quietly walked towards the rocks. Then, after taking a peek behind the rocks, he found what was making the noise.

          Donald couldn't believe his eyes! Lying on a pile of sand all stretched out was the legendary loch ness monster. It had a greyish blue colour skin, lots of wrinkles and had big eyes. The reason why it was groaning, moaning and wailing was because it was hurt. There was a fisherman's harpoon in its back and it hurt the monster very much.

          Donald couldn't leave the loch ness monster in pain like that, so he decided to help. First he went outside the cave and got some things out of the sack his horse was carrying. He took out a big bottle of water and picked up his bagpipes. Then Donald went back inside the cave to the loch ness monster. The monster was still in pain and was wailing a lot. Donald played a long low note on his bagpipes; he thought that would calm it down. To Donald's surprise the monster stopped wailing and listened to the music; it seemed to like the bagpipes. Next Donald put down the bagpipes, picked up his bottle of water and climbed onto the monsters back. The harpoon wasn't completely stuck in the monsters back, but it did look like it would be a bit tricky to pull out. First Donald placed his jacket around the harpoon, to have a good grip on the harpoon. Then with one mighty pull Donald took out the harpoon. The loch ness monster didn't like that; having a sharp harpoon pulled out its back really did hurt. Next Donald poured water onto the cut to clean it.

          The loch ness monster was grateful and nuzzled Donald. "You're welcome" said Donald, stroking its head. Donald wanted to stay a bit longer, but he suddenly remembered he had a banquet to get to. He explained to the loch ness monster that he had to leave now. The loch ness monster understood, and then let out a low growl; this meant that if Donald needed its help he should play a low note on the bagpipes and it will be right there. Donald understood, said goodbye to the monster then went right on his way to the castle.

          Donald was just in time when he finally reached the castle, the banquet was about to start. All the guests were dukes, lords and princes. The banquet was a great success; all the guests were enjoying the food laid out for them and enjoying the music being played, especially Donald's music. His bagpipes were very popular with the guests. Everyone was having a good time except Princess Marian of Scotland.

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