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10th of june, 5:00 am

Location: Underground bunker, Berlin, Germany.

Twin living quarters

The aggravating sound of two alarm clocks resonated through the small room. The many layers of steel that covered the wall only made the ringing worse as it continued ringing.

A slim arm streched to it's owner's bed side to quiet the buzzing device. Pale lilac eyes opened lazily under heavy blankets. A quiet sigh emanated from the covers before being shuffled until they uncovered a delicate pale face decorated with luscious long blonde tangled hair. The form shuffled some more before revealing a delicate pale body clothed in long black sweatpants and a long white sweater.

Hanging on the end of the now standing silhouette bed's was a big heavy white coat paired with a matching color snow pants, boots and gloves. On one of the sleeves of the coat had a small embroidery inscription that spelled "Matthew Williams" along with a small Canadian flag underneath.

The second alarm clock abruptly stopped when the blonde's small hand pressed the stop button. A warm smile illuminated the female's face as she stared at her sleeping brother with tender eyes. She knew that her brother wouldn't wake up before he smelled the delicious scent of breakfast. '*Why do you even bother setting it up every morning?*' She wondered while the laying American rolled in his sleep. Her smile grew a little bigger by her brother's unconscious response. Even while being unresponsive, he could still make her smile. America truly was the best brother she could have possibly wished.

Matthew placed a small kiss on the male's forehead before hearing to her bed once again. She sat on the edge of the mattress, grabbed her hair brush and untangled her messy locks. Once done, she puts the brush asides and looked over her shoulder. Laying on it's side was a small snoring polar bear. Her delicate hand gentled brushed against its soft fur until the animal stretched and yawn in its wake. Canada then gently picked him up and silently headed towards the cafeteria.

Soft steps echoed throughout the dark and cold hallways. The Canadian's path was illuminated by flashing industrial lights. A good majority of the lamps were burnt and emitted no light, leaving some part of the hallways in a dark ambiance. The air was dry and cold enough to give goosebumps and chills crawling on the nation's back. Canada despised having to live in bunkers for weeks on end, only waiting for another wave of those awful crawling nightmares that plagued everybody's life. But, unfortunately, she could only dream of her past life and the hope that maybe someday, they'll win and find the cure for this sickness.

Now, you may wonder what happen to this once peaceful world. Let me tell you the story of those who once whished for glory but instead meet their ends in the deepest pits of hell.


Our story begins in the misty cold of the mountains, deep inside a cave with piles of gold. Inside the mountain's core, were four men with one goal on their minds. While trying to find the precious metal, they dug for months until nothing but rocks filled their pockets. With the fruits of their labors all rotten, they almost gave up until their "luck" turned. They had finally found something else than worthless stones. Something truly...


Encrusted deep inside the earth's crust, was a small glass vial filled with a opaque white liquid. It danced to it's own songs with grace and elegance. It was a mesmerizing performance, so addicting that the miners didn't waste any moment opening the small container. When it was opened, a horrible odor flew out into the narrow cave. The one man who holded the glass dropped it and spilled it's content on the hard ground. Suddenly, a thick freezing fog slowly rose. It soon took over the entire cave as the air became unbearable to breath, but it was way too late to turn back now and the poison slowly suffocated the four miners until nothing remained. Unfortunately, in the wake of their dead bodies, they roamed the cave until they eventually found the exit of the cave. The smell of warmth dragged the corpses to villages where they took multiple lives by freezing their bodies for their warmth. Then, the victims would then follow the same fates as their killers and join their undead morbid march and freeze everything they touched until they decreased the earth's temperature more and more with every passing day.

At first, the governments tried to destroy the infected but no weapons could go through the abnormally large numbers of infected all over the world. Seeing no hope for a better solution, the humans took refuge in underground bunkers to try and survive in large communities. But sooner or later, the food became critically low, driving some into murders and mass suicide groups. It was an apocalypse. Most of the remaining population headed towards the Northen countries where communities were more controled and used to sub zero temperature. They could even grow plants! But, unfortunately the deserted countries body's froze over completely, leaving them trapped in an ice cage until they could be freed again.

Now, the only communities left are the only last remaining in the northern United state in Alaska, three in each of the Nordics, twenty-four in Canada and thirdy-six in russia. They were all fighting for their people to find the cure and help save the world. Scientifics said that the only way to fight this deadly toxin was to extract a small amount of the original liquid that still remains in the cave to finally be able to to create a vaccine and to increase the earth's temperature above the zero. But sadly, the closer you were to the epicenter, the worst the waves becomes. Waves are a massive regroupement of walkers, trying at all cost to freed on warmth. Their numbers are usually thousands and they are tenacious. They cannot use any vehicle or make any loud noises or they might attract sprinters. Sprinters are unusually fast sprinting ice walkers. They may not also go at night since the nights are much more dangerous than anything else. Those factors make the mission impossibly harder for our hopeless countries


The Canadian's legs stopped in front of the opened entrace of the cafeteria. Her lilac eyes softly scanned the few empty tables with the only exception of one being filled with a certain russian man. In one of his hand was an electric tablet, in the other, a streaming cup of black coffee. Sitting comfortably in his chair, he clears his throat loudly, a sly grin on his lips.

"Good morning Канада." his voice echoed throughout the empty cold room. The blonde tore her eyes away from him, a slight blush of embarrassment growing on her face when she realised that she has been staring while ignoring her pet's question of "Who?"

"G-Good morning." Canada stuttered back at him. The older nation chuckled, never glaring up at the girl. She frowned at his reaction but quickly brushed it away while setting the small half asleep bear on the ground

Why does she feel like this is going to be a long day?

With Kuma slowly following behind her, Matthew made her way towards the small pantry near the end of the room where all the MRE where located. She grabbed the first breakfast pouch and a tray before gently closing the doors and heading to the freezer to catch a few frozen fish for Kumajiro. She was about to throw her companion's frozen breakfast at him but a strange shiver ran throughout her shoulders and neck. Snapping her head to her side, she glared at Russia. He was still looking at his device but she swore she caught him staring at the last second. Her hand threw the frozen fishes to her bear who almost swallowed her hand up as well in the process of eating as she continued staring at him.

Steadily leaning against the counter, she grabbed an empty cup and filled it with freshly filtered steaming coffee. After replacing the coffe pitcher, she threw two sugar into the cup and sipped the warm liquid with a sigh while closing her eyes momentarily...




"It is rude to stare, da?"

Matthew chocked on his comment as some coffee spilled out on the floor and her sweater. Swallowing painfully, she coughed a few times before reaching for a dry cloth to clean up her mess.

"Fancy coming from you..." She mumbled under her breath as she bent down.

"What was that?" The older nation asked, his trademark smile creeping into his face.

"N-Nothing." The blonde stuttered. A shiver sparked down her spine as she got up from her spot on the floor and lauched the cloth into the sink, sighing heavily with her fingers holding the bridge of her nose.

A long day it will be indeed...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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