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Rory Hayes is normal. She is a short brunette. Nothing really special about her. She can't sing, can't play sport for her life, but there is one thing about her that catches everyone's attention.

She is the new girl.

Nick Klar is the school's 'bad boy'. It's the reputation he has to uphold, but there is nothing about him that is 'bad' as such. He has never been one for crowds, he always stood out, he was different from everyone. But like everyone else, the new girl catches his eye.

And instantly, he wants to get to know the new girl.

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading our new book. If you haven't read our other books 'Dear Daddy' and 'Dear Daddy 2', would you go check them out?

Thank you all for reading.

We love you all,

Natasha and Grace xx

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