her pregnancy

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(K) *waking up* mako?

(M) hey korra your awake

(K) how did I end up in our bedroom? I was with asami, katara, toph and pema

(M) I walked in when you fainted I was worried and asking everyone what was wrong since you were laying on the ground

(K) mako I have something I need to tell you

(M) what is it?

(K) I'm pregnant

(M) I know

(K) how did you know?

(M) pema and toph told me but I'm excited korra your my fiance I'll take care of you, you know I will stay by your side I can't wait to meet our child

(K) but how's all of this gonna work mako? I'm the avatar and now I'm gonna have a baby so much is gonna change

(M) you see katara, pema, toph they all had kids but they are still great at what they do toph was chief of the police department while she had her girls even if she retired when she was old lin took over

(K) I guess we can get through it

(M) you may be holding the next avatar korra

(K) who knows it may be

(M) a fire bender or an avatar but will love him or her no matter what

(B) korra your awake

(K) hey bolin I didn't know you were here

(B) I drove with mako because he was worried about you and congratulations on the baby

(K) thanks bolin

(B) opal is with lin and asami since they had some work to do so I'm not busy at all

(K) you guys wanna binge watch a movie since I can't do any of our tournament stuff we always did together in competition

(B) awesome a movie sounds great and it's ok korra asami can take over for you until your ready to compete again

(K) yeah well go look for a movie I'll stay laying down

(B) alright *walks to TV pressing buttons*

(M) I'll grab some food *walks to kitchen*

(B) so is he excited for the baby?

(K) yeah he can't wait to meet him or her

(B) *lays at the end of bed*

(M) *lays next to korra* now let's enjoy a movie

Korra's future with mako Where stories live. Discover now