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I stood there in tears as Humaid was wheeled into the theatre. He looked so fragile.

One of the nurses walked out of the theatre holding a file.

"Please call the patient's relatives" she said to the receptionist.

I walked over to them. "I am here, i am his cousin" i said not actually knowing if he would like me being called his wife.

"Please call in his relatives ma'am". I quickly went back to my office and hurriedly picked my phone and called his mum. Once she picked;

" My darling, it's been long since you called us" i sniffed tears rolling down my eyes. Once she sensedsomethingwas wrong "What is wrong my dear"

"It's Humaid" i sniffed

"What did he do this time" she asked.

"He got into an accident, it's bad mom so bad he is in the theatre as we speak" i cried while talking. Although we haven't had the best relationship, seeing him that way is taking a tole on me. I feel bad.

" Ya illahi!, okay calm down my dear crying won't solve anything just pray for him and we'll be there before you know it" her voice was shaky, she sounded frantic.

"Okay, please come soon" i said and cut the call. I called my parents and told them everything also. They were so worried, in both our parents eyes and to the world we were a happy couple. Only people closest tk me know what is truly going on, nit even my sisters know what i am going through in my marriage. Only faizah and Farhan know the truth.

I sat in front of the theatre hoping and praying for the best. Two hours later he was out of surgery and wheeled to the ICU, as a an official i was allowed in with the doctors.

The doctor who performed the surgery called me into his office.

"Amani, your cousin had severe injuries but we managed to stabilize him, he has a broken leg and a fractured ribcage, he also suffered internal injuries. He has a laceration on his kidney.but that's not the case now, the mqin problem now is he has slipped into a state of coma" upon hearing that i fell to the ground crying. This can't be Ya Allah! Please save him.

"What are his chances of survival" i asked my voice bearly audible.

"I am sorry to say Amani very slim, he might never come out of Coma"

I gasped. " No! That can't be" i shouted. I think i am going mad.

"Amani please calm down and pray for him because only miracles can save him now"

I walked our of the office like a zombie, dragging my legs to my office. I sat down and put my head on the table. Sobbing quietly.

Amina walked in, "Oh! Amani" she hugged me, i cried into her embrace "He doesn't deserve your tears"

"Amina i know he treated me bad but have you seen the condition he is in" i bearly whispered sobbing.

"I know my dear. That is why i admire you, you are a kind soul"

"His......." i was cut off by my phone. Farhan was calling. I picked up

"Hey beautiful I'm here to pick you up"

"I don't think that will be possible farhan" i sniffed.

"What's wrong sugarplum"
I told him everything not leaving a single detail out.

"If it wasn't this serious i would have just told you to forget it" he said in a stern voice. He cut the call, i guess he is coming in.

A bit later he walked into my office. My eyes were red and puffy.

"Sugarplum you can't be crying over that idiot. I know he is in a bad condition but still"

"I totally agree with that" Amina said.

"You just don't get it, i just feel sympathy for him not as My husband but just as a human you know"

"All i understand is you are too soft hearted" farhan said. I smacked his head smiling a bit.

"Hey! I made you smile"

"You are the best" i said to him smiling cheekily.

"Well i brought icecream. Let's take it as we wait for that big bafoon's parent" he said

"Well he is i won't argue with that"

"Now let's just hope he gets well" Amina said.


Hello everyone I'm back again.

Here's the much needed update. So I'm not going to be a bore.

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Stay safe🌸

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