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After a good night's rest,

My 5 AM alarm sounds and I'm up ! Its my first day going out hoping to get discovered as a writer.

As my morning mental remedy, nothing beats a few paragraphs of Greek philosophy, Today, I read "Allegory of the cave" by arguably the best Greek philosopher and thinker of all time, the legendary, PLATO.

For today's focus, I adapt my mind to the ideology that we know only a shadow of the truth and not the actual truth of life.

"Why are you so deep and weird, can't you be a normal human being?!" My Alter Ego asks of me at 6 in the morning, I know, he's always talking,but its part of me so I respond, "Good morning to you Alter Ego, I hope you slept well or not, I'm good either way", I laugh to myself..

I take a nice hot shower, while the kettle in my small kitchen warms up my water for a hot cup of tea to start the day.
I usually enjoy my tea with a side of ginger biscuit every morning...
"weirdo!", my Alter Ego Shouts to my subconscious... " You know what ? Damn You!", I respond.

I grab my specs and finally set out at 8AM, take a walk to the bus station low-key hoping to meet Alyssa on the stroll over there, thoughhhh.... I don't know what she looks like because we met at night, I do however know which house in the road she lives in and since she was the one taking out the trash last night, I'm assuming she has no siblings,hopefully at least so I'm betting whatever female walks through that get is probably her.

I reach the station, still thinking of Alyssa, even though I barely know her, she strolls through my mind and caresses my ears once more with nothing but the sonic memory of her voice like a koala on a furred tree..."Are you really that corny ?",My alter ego rhetorically asks...I'm irritated and we're in public so I don't respond.

I jump on to the bus and make it to the OASIS INCENTIVE FOR ASPIRING WRITERS center not too far from my place and I'm hoping to leave a copy of my recent papers on philosophy and Science Fiction novel.

I walk through the gate, optimistically weird as ever, i greet the guard walking past the entrance, making my way to the waiting hall hoping to meet the secretary.

15 minutes pass in the waiting lounge and I'm anxious as ever literally checking my wrist watch every 2 minutes.... 5 minutes later, finally my name gets called through by the receptionist and I walk to the secretary's office and do all I can to explain myself to her heart, well at least so I hoped.

I leave a copy each of my Sci-Fi Novel; "SPECTRE INSERTION" and my Philosophical piece; "INTRUSION OF THE MIND".

"I'll get back to you after my team has reviewed your work",the secretary tells me, "Thank you so much, my contact details are on the last page of each piece so you won't have trouble reaching me", I respond desperately.

Immediately after, my social anxiety kicks in again and I show my way out that very time to avoid awkward eye contact, I mean my purpose is fulfilled and I'm done here, right?, "Alter Ego what do you think?"... I ask, " You did real good, don't worry ", Sarcastically, it responds to me.


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