Chapter 12

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Archer's PoV~

There haven't been any updates on my mate. Its been two nights and nothing.

The snowstorm has started, but my wolves are still out looking for her. They haven't found anything.

Alpha Darren didn't have her. I couldn't smell her and I knew he wasn't lying to me.

I clenched her jacket and inhaled her scent. Alexander isn't letting me sleep and we've already scanned the maps for possible solutions.

Arya is a smart girl; she wouldn't go somewhere she doesn't know, and I find it extremely hard to believe that she was captured.

She's powerful. I don't have any doubt that she could take me down if she wanted to.

I couldn't imagine how powerful Arya could be if she's trained.

I woke up to a mind-link; I didn't realize that I fell asleep. I'm only able to relax enough to sleep if I'm thinking of her, instead of thinking of why she didn't show up two days ago.

I opened up my mind for the link.

Nightstar Warriors are at the southern border. They said its extremely urgent.

I immediately shot up and raced out of my study. I mind-linked him back before shifting into my wolf. The snow was bad, and I could hardly see a dozen yards in front of me, but I didn't care.

The only thing running through my mind is Arya. It has to be about Arya. What else would it be about?

Do they have her? Is she safe?

It took me longer than I wanted to get to the border. But I ran into the group halfway.

I knew it was about Arya the moment I saw the look on the Nightstar warrior's faces. It was pity.

My heart felt heavy, but it didn't feel empty; she's not dead.

"What happened?" I questioned with my Alpha voice, expressing that I didn't want any sugar coating.

The five warriors looked at each other before turning back to me.

"Alpha Joel and Luna Bella sent us. Arya was found last night in bad shape. We were sent to you to inform you but on the way here, Arya had escaped their infirmary. They believe she's trying to get to you, Sir."

I sat there for a moment as the warrior rushed his words. My mind couldn't even understand everything he said. Then it processed.

"Bad shape?" I growled out, Alexander close to making me shift. She can't be hurt.

The warrior swallowed nervously.

"We weren't given details on her condition, but she was being treated for a serious injury." He stated cautiously.

Serious injury?

I didn't have to think before I mind-linked my entire pack, ordering all warriors to get into groups and scout at least twenty miles off my borders.

And I told them they're looking for my mate. I gave them a basic description of her and that she's injured.

I knew that would motivate them to scout as much as land as they could.

Alexander shifted me and started running towards Nightstar Pack. The Ethereal Mountain Range is in between our two packs and I didn't want her to be there.

Its extremely dangerous there and I don't allow anyone to travel through them alone, but it's the shortest path directly from Nightstar.

I know she's traveling on that path; I can feel it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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