Chapter 4: A Date with Tohka

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(Your POV)
Where am I going with my life?

That was the question that was on my mind as I stood in the alleyway with Tohka, still wearing her battle armor with my hand covering her mouth. You see, I first arrived at school like a normal day, even though the school was closed down for repairs, then Tohka suddenly appeared behind me and told me that she wanted to go out on our date as soon as possible. So I reluctantly pulled her into an alley to make sure she didn't attract much attention from the AST. As for my friends, they were standing in a wall-like formation to block the view of the alleyway.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the spirit, who simply tilted her head. "Oh right, the date, but how are you not causing a spatial quake? Also, how'd you show up today? I did my research on spirits, and apparently they go to sleep?"

"I'm not sure as to how I'm here, but all I do know is that I felt like I couldn't wait for this date thing." Tohka said in a calm voice, great, now that she's getting excited, I'm getting excited. "So how do we start?"

"I'd recommend trying to blend in with everyone." I suggested before showing her a picture of a magazine on modern fashion. "Like these clothes, or better yet a student's uniform like mine but with a skirt."

"Okay then." Tohka's armor then shone a brilliant purple color before dispersing to reveal she was wearing a female school uniform. "I'm not sure how I did this but some guy who looked exactly like you taught me how."

"Yeah Yeah King of Games, geez that guy needs to get a life." I groaned before Tohka and I made our way out of the alley, but I'm still very curious about why he's helping me out. "Now come on, we're wasting daylight."

Once we made our way out of the alleyway, my friends moved aside so Tohka and I could begin our date. My friends understood I needed help, so Korekiyo, Kirumi, Kokichi, and Ryoma decided to silently follow behind while the others went to the main airship. I didn't know much about dates, but I was rather hungry, so I think the two of us should try going to the market so we could get some food. While we walked, we should talk about our interests, but then again, spirits don't really do that much, do they?

"(Y/N), say something, girls don't like it when there's an awkward silence!" I heard Kaito's voice in my earpiece, guess he's on the airship. "Actually, no one does."

"Okay fine." I whispered back into the earpiece and sighed, trying to think of something of something that might interest Tohka. " much do you know about human civilization?"

"Not a lot, I'd appreciate it if you taught me more." Tohka politely requested, so I nodded and began explaining to her humanity.

"So it all started with a fish-" I was about to start talking, but then one of my friends stopped me, it was Kirumi.

"Please cue the timeskip."

(Scene change, brought to you by a mysterious individual swinging a sword at the camera)

A mysterious individual walked through the rubble of a once successful academy, looking for something. His appearance was similar to your own, but there were multiple distinct differences, the biggest of which was that he was a lot older, in his early 30's to be exact. His hair was pushed back but still and had a strand to the side that graced his forehead. His eyes were also rather odd, his right eye was a draconic (e/c) color with a blue ring around the iris, and the other eye looked to be normal but it was (f/c) and it had runes engraved around the iris.

The individual's attire also looked to be rather odd, it was obviously of Japanese origin, since it was a kimono, but it also had a mix of ancient Celtic and old Indian design to the cloth, plus golden edges. This man also had long, thick hair that was held up by a yellow and blue striped bandana. To the side of his head, a piece of the bandana was dangling along with a beaded necklace containing a golden circle that depicted a dragon. This man was none other than the King of Games himself, and he's here to put an end to possible speculation that might be going through some of your guys' minds...Monokuma.

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