returning home

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(B) mako Korra and Asami come home today

(M) yeah I remember since they spent a year break in the spirit world to get a vacation from the real world

(B) I'm surprised you didn't go with korra and asami, I would have gone but I have opal

(M) I would have gone but I work at Beifong police department with Lin so I couldn't leave

(B) I'm excited to see how much korra and asamis looks have changed

(M) Pabu is trying to go out in the snow bolin

(B) aw Pabu I can't let you out yet let's eat first

(M) were going to Tenzins place since they wanted us all over for korra and asamis return

(B) yes a party I better call opal and tell her

(M) wouldn't she already know

(B) yeah but I wanna call her

(M) Syuin is going to be there with everyone so opal would be with her

- Air temple -

(T) welcome everyone

(To) hello tenzin nice to see you again

(M) hey tonraq

(To) mako you excited to see your fiance?

(M) yes sir, it's been a year with korra gone

(To) my daughter is the avatar she'll be safe

(P) you think she has learned anything new as the avatar?

(T) she may have but it's been a while since we have heard anything from korra and what bending skills she has or hats learned

(I) I can't wait to see korra and asami I hope they bring gifts

(J) ikki they don't have stores in the spirit realm

(K) *walks through spirit realm to air temple* she's not wrong ikki but we did bring gifts

(M) Korra

(J) korra asami your home

(A) hey guys

(Top) welcome home everyone

(S) you always have the earth bending touch mother

(Top) I'm blind so yes

(L) welcome back avatar

(K) hey lin

(B) Korra! Asami *runs and hugs korra and asami*

(K) hey bolin

(A) nice to see you again bolin and pabu

(K) bolin where's mako?

(B) back there with pabu

(K) *runs over to mako* Mako

(M) welcome home Korra *hugs korra*

(K) I missed you and you to pabu

*pabu climbs on korras shoulder's*

(T) how was the spirit realm Korra?

(K) it was great tenzin

(J) did you learn any new bending korra?

(A) well....

(K) asami tought me some and I learned blood bending but didn't hurt anyone

(A) as well as electric and lava

(K) *rubs back of head* yeah I sorta learned almost every bending element

(J) can you teach me guys?

(A) maybe another time now it's time to get used to Ba Sing Se again

(M) let's celebrate your return to

(To) there's my girl *hugs korra*

(K) dad mom I missed you guys

(To) don't worry we took care of your fiance while you were gone

(O) so when's the wedding?

(K) actually that's undecided

(M) we haven't decided yet on the date

(L) take your time your only 18 you have plenty of  more years to have a wedding

(S) unlike me I married at 19 and had 5 children

(L) I don't have kids

(Top) because you can't keep a man like I did

(L) thanks mom

(Ka) well you are my sister in law and I am your girls aunt since you married my brother

(Top) I do miss sokka he was a great husband and father to me and these girls

(Z) we all miss him and aang

(T) dad was a hero to everyone even all of the air benders

(Ka) if only your father could see the world now

(K) air benders everywhere and us all changing the world

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