Chapter One Dawn's P.O.V (The doors open)

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I walk on the bus and quickly scan for an empty seat at the back. "Hurry up child gotta get to school,name mrs. day by the way." The bus lady says with a southern acsent. I spotted an empty seat near the back and quickly went over and quickly sit down. I hear a couple boys w histle and almost every girl whispering. ( Damn didn't even get to know me yet ) The bus stopped at this huge school. I grabbed my back pack an ran off the bus ( Fuck safthy rules ) . "Have a good day "yelled after all the students got off the bus. Then a girl with two ponytails skipped towards me. " You the new student right " Two tails asked ( no shit i wouldn't be standing here looking lost) " Um, yeah i'm Dawn" I say. " I'm Errica, i'll show you around what's your first class" She says. " Errr, " I pulled a piece of paper out of my back pocket. "Umm, History." I say "Great that's my first class,come on." It wasn't that long of a walk. Errica walked up to some boy and pointed to me. Errica went to go sit down and the boy walked to me. He handed out his hand. " Hi, i'm mr. pat ." my mouth fell open. ( he is cute )

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