Chapter 6

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After a while I calmed down and he took me to his car still not letting go of me.  I inhaled his smell and for some reason I felt safe in his embrace. I felt asleep clinging onto him.

I woke up to the sound of people yelling. I opened my left eye and saw my brothers shouting at each other. Elijah was the closest to me and he saw that I was awake. He pulled me on his lap and whispered soothing words into my ear till I fell asleep again.

Alexander's pov

Sad, angry, confused, broken. That's what I felt when we learned that mom had ran away with Sophia. Sad that Soph wasn't here, angry that I couldn't  stop mom from taking her.  Confused about what I will do without my ray of happiness. She was our life and her not being her was like taking a part of away.  I felt broken thinking that mom  took her and not me. Didn't she love me enough? I missed her but at the same time I hated her.  Hated her for taking mom away.  Nothing was ever the same after that.  Dad kept himself caught up in work without thinking about us.  Alessandro and Elijah became our parents. I stayed locked up in my room for months going out only for food.  Luca started getting into fights. It wasn't like him at all.  He was the one among us who hated violence the most.  Our family had started falling apart.  I had to blame someone so I blamed Sophia. Blamed her for taking our mom away from us and for breaking our family apart. I knew it wasn't right but I had to cope without them somehow. 

I was currently in my room reading  one of healer's books when dad called us. Healer is a terrific author but no one who she is. When I went down I froze.  Sophia was standing in front of us.  I keep a straight face. I was wanted to hate her but still wanted her in my arms. I missed her a lot. But when she asked us for our names as if she didn't remember us my whole world came crashing down.

And she looked so much like mom. I hated her for that. We all resembled our dad but she looked so much like mom. I introduced myself and left. Because I knew I would break down if I had stayed. All my emotions came at me at once.  I was happy to have her back but hated her for taking mom away.  We grew up without a mom and trust me it wasn't easy with a father that was always to busy to look after us. Dad never dated anyone after mom left so we never had anyone to look for us.  Alessandro changed the most. He never smiled and always had a straight face. He looked after us but he become cold. The only mother figure we had in our lives was Angelina our cook.

I hated her for having the perfect life with mom. Dad and Alessandro searched a lot for them but never found them.

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