The Day That Never Was

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"Right this way, Miss Charlotte."

The Umbrella Academy was much larger than she had originally thought. There was a whole other hallway full of rooms that belonged to the other members of the academy that she hadn't seen. For whatever reason, Five's room was located at the back of one of the guest room hallways. Pogo led her to a door in the middle of this corridor.

She followed the chimp butler to the guest room with her things. "Thank you."

He opened the door for her. "It's my pleasure, Miss. Sir Reginald would have been pleased to have you finally at the Academy."

Something about that didn't sit right with her; she had to fight off a shudder. "Do you know if Five will be coming back soon?"

Pogo shook his head with a little smile (could chimpanzees even smile?). "I am just as clueless to Master Five's whereabouts as you are, Miss Charlotte."

She forced a smile. "Thanks, Pogo." He left her to her own devices.

The room was blank. There was a twin bed sitting in the middle, covered in a thin gray sheet. The walls were covered in old wallpaper that faded towards the corners. She made her way towards the window that let pale evening light illuminate the space.

It may have been bland, but it was a million times better than having to share a bed with Denis in their musty apartment. It had been so long since she was allotted her own space, even if it was temporary.

Outside the window lay a courtyard. Charlotte squinted down at the shrubbery and the iron fence as she bent down to look out. It was beautiful here, maybe a little run down, but beautiful. If she had the chance, she might actually let herself get used to the space, but she didn't

The room would only be where she stayed for the time being, but until that time was up, she would take advantage of it. She scurried back down the hall and into Five's room to retrieve her garbage bag.

Once back behind the door, she sat on the bed and refolded her rumpled things. It didn't take long, but it was nice to do a mundane task after the past few days of chaos. Charlotte sighed when she sat back to view her belongings folded in neat stacks and sparated into piles on the bed.

She could be alone again, but in a better way than before. She didn't have to listen to Denis, or anyone for that matter. Charlotte could be her own person again.

"Who the hell is this?" Allison Hargreeves almost shrieked when Charlotte stumbled into the living room the next morning, rubbing her eyes.

She settled herself on the arm of one of the patterned couches groggily. "I'm sorry, how many of you are there?" She mumbled.

"There's six of us," Luther explained from the bar.

She watched as the family, all except for Five and Vanya, shuffled in. This was the first time she had seen that many of them in the same room. "Ah," Charlotte blinked. "I'm an... accomplice of Five's."

The curly haired girl started passing out paper coffee cups. "Accomplice?" She echoed.

"That's one way to put it," Klaus said from the floor. He looked like he had the hangover of a lifetime.

Allison shook her head of the idea and handed Charlotte a coffee. "Three days?" She questioned no one in particular.

Oh, fuck. Yeah. The apocalypse.

"That's what Five said," her older brother supplied, taking his own coffee gratefully.

Klaus shifted on his pillow. "The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it. He just left out the part about how soon."

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