Over the Radio - Chapter 3 [A Lovely Tour]

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“It was only just a dream…”

Carter raised an eyebrow at his rather enthusiastic roommate.  Mandy was standing in the living room, singing her heart out to Nelly’s song, Just a Dream, which was on the radio.

“I don’t see how you can’t sing. I love your voice so far.”

Mandy ignored the comment and continued singing. By the time the song was finished she sat upright on the couch, exhausted.

“Well duh. I’m no Barbra-freaking-Streisand” Mandy turned around the couch to look at Carter. “Oh he knows how to keep it to himself now?”

“Whatever you say.” He shrugged.

“Are you really this good guy you portray yourself to be?” She continued. Carter smiled at her, which made Mandy surprised at his reaction.

“I’m just like any other guy.” Carter said as he gave her a bowl of stew.

“So… Basically you’re just putting on this act because you want to get into their panties?” Carter laughed at the statement as he poured a bowl for himself and took a seat on the other couch.

He was rather surprised that he welcomed her rude and speak-your-mind attitude. It was a fresh breath of air for him, since his whole life he was surrounded by people who were good-natured. The rudest person he knew was Kalka, and that was because he couldn’t help it. He was the boss of the busiest diner in the town. He had to shout orders in a rude fashion to get anything done.

Mandy spooned some stew and slowly slurped it. Her eyes widen in surprise.

“Whoa! You can cook this well? This is delicious!”

“I’m glad you like it.” Carter replied calmly.

 Mandy looked at the stew with wide eyes. She shot Carter an unsure look, and he just smiled and shrugged. She took another spoonful and once again slurped it down. Sure enough it tasted just as delicious as before. She couldn’t believe she was eating something so delicious. Something he made! She eyed him suspiciously. Was he for real? Since she lived by herself she had plenty of time to practice cooking. She had even planned to impress him with her famous desert dish, a chocolate soufflé.  It seemed now that she could learn a thing or two from her new roommate.

“Where’d you learn to cook?” she asked him after licking her bowl clean. It really was a delicious stew.

“Believe it or not, I learned from a friend working at a diner.”

“You worked at a diner?” Mandy asked in surprise. Diners never have cooks this good, she thought to herself.

“Not really. But I consider it my second home.” Carter picked up the bowls and walked to the sink. “It was called ‘A Guy’s Diner’. I would walk to the diner every day. The owner, Kalka, was a friend of my mum. They knew each other ever since they were young.” Mandy sat back and listened attentively to Carter as he reminisced. “He was in a way, the kindest person I have ever met. He had a horrible way of showing it, but it was kindness that I cherished.” He smiled to himself.

“He would always let me stay in the diner after hours. That’s when he would teach me how to cook.” Carter finished as he put the dishes in the dish washer. Carter sat back on the couch to lie down. “Man! Am I tired.”

“Your stuff is still right there,” Mandy pointed to his luggage. “And you’re already tired? I thought I could leech off you. Guess not.”

“Can you blame a guy? I just got here today and travelling is tiring.” Carter said as he let out a huge sigh of relief. He really was tired and all he needed was some sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2011 ⏰

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