Chapter 1

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Ryan and Deanne were walking home from school, their hands tangled in each others. Ryan's bright brown eyes reflecting the sun's rays and Deanne's skin turning light brown form the sun tan. In two days it will be Ryan's 16th birthday, he was so excited as he was eager for freedom. Ryan's and Deanne's parents are so overprotective as they say to their children "there's strange things in the outside world", a phrase which Ryan and Deanne never understood.

They matched down Ann's Diner to get a quick snack before going home, this was against their parents rules, as they are not alllowed to go anywhere after school but home.


I thought i could smell could smell my mother's scent, that was impossible as i couldn't see her anywhere close. i told Deanne about this all she said was "Ryan thats impossible, how can you "smell" someone, i mean i could understand if she was here but we can't even see her". I thought about it and decided to ignore the smell and agree with Deanne. But it was getting stronger and closer, before i could tell Deanne she said "Ryan i can actually smell someone farmiliar too, from your house". We didn't know what was happening so i told Deanne "Lets get out of here" she couldn't argue as i was already on my feet, and off we went. We used the back exit and something hit me by surprise, i saw my Mum's car, i exchanged looks with Deanne and indicated to use the front exit instead.  As we exited Ann's we started to ran so my mum couldn't see us. But this run was the most amazing i've had. I was running fast. Faster than i ever imagine. I felt a slight pain in my muscles, which was so ironinc as i'm a very athletic person. Deanne and I exchanged goodbyes and we made our ways to our houses. The pain was getting worse and i tried really hard to ignore it. I finally reached my house and the heat from inside welcomed me with joy. The pain suddenly disappeared and i felt bettter.


Oh My God. I can't believe he held my hand. I felt goose bumps  in my body. It's the second time he held my hand in 10 years. Gosh its time he made a move and i just can't wait for his birthday party, that is if my parents allow me to go. I hope he finally kisses me, i've been waiting forever. I can't believe that i actually smelt Ryan's mum's scent from a far. It almost sounds impossible but i actually smelt someone. And when we were trying to run away, that was the best moment. It almost felt like everything beside me was brushing away. I was running fast, no, beyond fast. I've never felt that free in my life. My body really aches and my muscles are even worse, i don't even know why. I keep getting these weird changes in my body, i hope its for good

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