Chapter 2,second video

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If you want to watch this video it's called
Newt's Letter to Thomas [The Death Cure]
It looks like the picture on top.

The voice spoke again " now the second video is Newt's letter to stiles"
" what letter?" Gally asked not knowing that stiles was given a letter. "Before I died I wrote a letter for tommy. I guess we're watching his reaction to it" Newt answered curious about what Thomas reacted like from his letter.
[Thomas/stiles comes on screen sitting down looking upset. It shows him holding Newts necklace then him opening the top of it]
"I had no idea that the necklace could do that" Minho said looking surprised "yeah it was useful for things like this" Newt answered. Stiles who is still in Derek's lap is quiet remembering what the letter said "are you ok" Derek whispers in his ear "yeah just a lot to remember" stiles whispers back. Derek hating his mate looking so vulnerable and upset hugs him closer and says " I'm here if you need me" stiles nods at him.
[ looking confused and curious he opens the letter and when he realises what it is looks done with tears In his eyes then he starts to read it with Newts voice on screen in a voice over]
Everyone looks surprised at that especially Newt not expecting his voice to come on screen.
[Newts starts saying "Dear Thomas this is the first letter I can remember writing]
" what do you mean when you say this is the first letter I can remember writing?" asks surprisingly Boyd who's eyes are a little bit glassy " wicked were the people that kidnapped us and other kids. They were also the ones that put us in the maze but they decided it was a good idea to wipe our memories so I have no idea if I wrote any letters before the maze" Newt explained " but if that's true than how can stiles remember us?" asked Isaac " I remember all of you because when wicked got destroyed all of our memories came back slowly" Stiles answered from Derek's lap.
[newt continues talking "obviously I don't remember if I wrote any before the maze. But even if it's not my first it's likely to be my last"]
All the gladers and scorchers sadden at that knowing that Newt's right.
["I want you to know that I'm not scared well not of dying anyway it's more forgetting"]
Everyone feels that they can relate with that sentence knowing that they would feel the same.
["it's losing myself to this virus that's what scares me"]
"What virus are you talking about?" asks Melissa curious as she's never heard of that virus and she's a nurse. Stiles answers her from where his face is lying on Derek's chest comfortable "The virus that Newt is talking about is called the flare. Wicked thought that in a few years there would be this virus that would affect the world and turn anyone who had like zombies but much,much worse.It was also why they put us in the mazes thinking that our blood could cure this virus that was likely to never happen" no one knew what to say to that so they just kept quiet. Derek  intwines  both his and stiles fingers together in comfort for both stiles and himself.
[Minho comes on the screen craving into a rock.Then Gally and in a voice over Newt says "so every night I've been saying their names out loud Alby,Winston" then it shows Frypan craving into the rock as well. Then Newt's voice come back on " Chuck". Vince is also craving into the rock]
All the gladers and scorchers that lived remember doing that and they can't help but smile a little at that. Newt,Chuck and Alby felt touched that they are still craving names into the rock for people that have died and that their names are on there.
[Newt's voice comes back " I just repeat them over and over like a pray and comes flooding back " Brenda is then on screen. Then a picture of newts name craved into the rock is on the screen]
At that Newt stands up and gives a hug to Minho with tears in his eyes and, Then he turns to Stiles who gets out of Derek's lap slowly and hugs Newt back with tears in his eyes just like Newt.Once that's over they seat back down and get comfortable and Derek puts his hand back into stiles'.
[it goes back to stiles' face and Newt's voice continues "just the little things like when the sun used to hit the glade at that perfect moment right before it would slip underneath the walls and I remember the taste of Frypan's stew]
Everyone who was in the glade can't help but give a small watery laugh at that.
["never thought I would miss that stuff so much" it shows stiles start to read the next page of the letter " I remember you the first time you come up the box just a scared little greenie who couldn't even remember his own name.But from that moment you ran into the maze"]
"Still think you're a dumb shank for doing that" Minho comments " Hey we got out because I ran into the maze you should thank me!" Stiles exclaims " wait what are you talking about?" Scott asks " we are talking about the maze wicked put us in which surrounded the glade where we lived. Everyday at a certain time the walls would close and because there were these monsters we called grievers that would come out it was unlikely you would survive the night. So we made a rule that no one was to ever go beyond the walls and into the maze but one day Alby and Minho were late coming back and as the walls were closing, and because Minho had to knock Alby out because he got stung by the grievers which makes people kind of insane so Minho had to drag Alby back to the glade
anyway Thomas here ran into the maze just before the doors closed to help Minho and Alby. As it turned out they all survived and Thomas killed a griever that was after them which had never happened before" Newt answered him. Everyone turned to stiles and stared in shock who only looked sheepish and turned back to hide his face in Derek's chest.
[Newts voice is back "I knew I would follow you anywhere and I have we all have"]
"Damn right we did" Frypan says with a small smile both the glider and scorchers laugh a little at that knowing it's true.
[ it then shows stiles looking up and going to the camp fire and giving people hugs and pats on the back then sitting down with everyone. Still in voice over Newt says "if I could do it all over again I would"]
The gladers desperate everything nod their heads along feeling the same way.
[" and I wouldn't change a thing and my hope for you is when you are looking back at this years from now you'll say the same. The futures in your hands now tommy" it then goes from night to day "and I know you'll find a way to do what's right you always have take care of everyone for me" it shows the gladers and scorchers " and take care of yourself you deserve to be happy"]
"I am happy" stiles says cuddling closer to Derek "good" says Newt with a smile
[" thank you for being my friend" it shows Thomas carving a name into the rocks]
"Thank you for being mine all of you" stiles says
["goodbye mate Newt" it show he carved Teresa's name into the rock then stiles walking off then it shows the rock with everyone's name on then the screen goes black]
Everyone goes quiet for a minute before stiles breaks the silence "I still have your letter" "good to know mate" Newt says back to stiles with a smile
" time for next video" the voice says.

Hi hope you liked the chapters I will try to update the next chapter as soon as possible

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