Chapter 5: a petition for a school duel?

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Damn that's one long title any who let get on with the chap

Btw the art on top is from none other than my friend abystalefan she does make a book to put her art on it so yeah and she's asking if you guys wanna continue the art :) she keeps saying it looks stupid but I don't know it looks great!! Tell me what you guys thing about it :D

Amber: if petition isn't related to what this chaps plot I will jwjjshshsdhjdjddh

Dream POV.

I stared at the history button, I really want to take a look but the school bell rang meaning it's time for class, I turned it off, I've looked more than enough today, I thought to my self before putting the phone in my pocket and start to walk to class, I'll give it back to him later. I have reached my classroom I opened the door seeing the teacher was not here yet so I sat on my chair and took my phone out to just start playing games

-time skip-

Sometime later the teacher walked inside the classroom

"ok class your seniors will be coming to our classroom to announce a petition or announcement so behave."

The teacher said strictly, I turned my phone off and waited for our seniors to come. While we were waiting a girl keeps glancing at me like I don't notice yes it's normal for me but this one's acting weirder than the others, I just shrugged it off and continued to wait

-time skep-(sorry)

We soon heard a knock on the door meaning they have arrived, the teacher stood up and went to open the door letting five students come in

"class quiet down and and behave."

The teacher said making the classroom quiet down a little only hearing whispers, one of the seniors that has was a bird began to speak

"hello juniors and if your wandering why we're here it's because we're starting a petition, your question is what kind of petition? Well me and some(half) of the students in the school wanted to make a school duel next weak"

The brown winged girl said as many whispers began to to be heard, I titled my head thinking of what reason this is for, but I just played along with it

"and as you guys know the winner can do what ever they want throughout the school year they can skip classes or do what ever they want! But not making their grades go up."

The goat horned guy said as many students groaned as they continued to talk a student suddenly raised their hand

"uhm.. I have a question"

"go on ask your question!"

"ok, so um.. What is this whole thing for exactly? Like what's the whole purpose of this?"

The guy said with a questioning face, the seniors smiled and said

"it's just for fun!"

They said as a girl raised her hand

"I have a question, how in the whole animal world did you convince the principal!?"

"we have our ways and we rather not tell ;)"

A feline girl said while leaning on the wall with arms crossed while other girl just nodded and sat back down, while they were talking I was just looking outside the window thinking of things like what is George and sapnap doing maybe having more fun than I am, I looked down from the window(he's on the second floor) seeing techno, Wilbur, and Phil, must be their free period

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