Seven Years Until Eternity: The Rise of the Antichrist Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
The Deal

   From looking at the boy, you would have never guessed that he was going to become the antichrist. Nassir Ibrahim Berzovsky was born in Haifa, Israel to a Jewish mother and Turkish father. As a child, he was bright and inquisitive, especially in matters related to politics and war. His parents had never married, so he spent a lot of time flying between Israel and Turkey, spending most of his time with his mother as a child since his father Muhammad Ibrahim always seemed to be traveling around the world somewhere on business. When his mother died while he was fifteen years old, her sister tried to raise him, but the young man was too rebellious and strong willed for her and her husband. He was constantly getting into fights with other Jewish kids because of his Muslim heritage and his Muslim first name. After a year, his aunt eventually sent him to Turkey to be raised by his father. She hoped that he would bring some much needed discipline and guidance into Nassir's life. She knew that he was a bright young man and just needed the proper direction and guidance. After Nassir arrived, his father quickly discovered that he did not have time for Nassir. He was too busy with his own life traveling around the world and building his growing telecommunications business. He decided it would be best to send the boy away to a prestigious military academy in Turkey for his high school education and to provide him with much needed discipline.
   Once there, Nassir began to excel and show signs of promise. He discovered that he loved all things military and was especially gifted in areas of strategy and command. For the first few years, he consistently led his classmates to victory over the upperclassmen in mock war games. The same was the case when his class participated in computer simulated war games. Whether he commanded naval, air force or army units, he managed to lead his team to stunning victories. Nassir had an uncanny ability to manipulate people at whim. He often talked his way on and off campus with ease to procure items prohibited by the school such as video games, magazines and movies. Anything that was outlawed Nassir was able to find a way to get it for people he wanted favors from. His natural charisma, brilliance and tendency to share his accolades with others who were loyal to him made Nassir very well-liked and as his popularity grew, everyone wanted to be around him.  This made him immensely popular with his peers. In addition to being admired with his peers, he was the darling of the school staff. They nicknamed him "Prince Nassir" because they said he won battles and led his men like and Arab prince. In addition, he scored high marks in all of his classes and each year his IQ tests were off the charts. Everyone knew he was headed for big things. They also knew what he really wanted; to one day be in command of Turkey's armed forces, which was the sixth largest military in the world. To prepare himself for leadership, he had studied the great military leaders like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Hannibal, Saladin and Napoleon. After a while, he felt he was as good or better as them and determined that one day he would prove it.
   When it came time for graduation, Nassir chose to attend Turkish Military Academy in Ankara, Turkey. With high marks, being selected as valedictorian of his class and nearly all of the officers on the school staff gave him glowing recommendations he was easily accepted.  After entering the TMA, he continued to excel and gain influence with his peers and school staff. As the years went on, he showed his prowess as a naturally gifted leader and military thinker. When other cadets went home on holidays, Nassir stayed at school and used the time to study more. When other students and staff returned back to school from holiday, they often found him in the library with books open around him and sheets of papers with  notes scribbled on them. He was relentless in his studies and pursuit of absolute excellence. Nassir graduated from the TMA as class valedictorian with honors needed to choose a career path.  His father was extremely proud of Nassir and knew that the young man was on the fast track to political stardom. He several of his close friends had been watching Nassir's development over the years. His father and several others managed to use a combination of business contacts and bribes to get Nassir posted to the Southeast command in Turkey where he would have a better chance for career advancement. The Southeast command was an assignment that would definitely jump start Nassir's career since he was practically guaranteed to see military action in the Southeast region of Turkey have the opportunity to distinguish himself by helping to defeat anti-government rebels..
   In Southeast Turkey, the government, which was ruled mostly by the military elite by now, was bent on wiping out PKK rebels (Turkish Workers Party). Since 1990, The Turkish government had banned Kurdish political parties after the PKK separatist movement in 1990. As a result of being banned, the PKK responded with violence in 1992, announcing a war on the government and mounting and insurgency campaign that provoked Turkish military intervention, reprisals and human rights violations. Even back then, the Turkish military was large for a country it's size. This was due to global instability and the wars being fought around the world. Since then, the military had grown even larger and was now even more determined to end this insurgency as well as radical Islam. The insurgency campaign was exactly what Nassir needed to make a name for himself.
   It was during the insurgency campaign of 2012 he met the love of his life, Narissa Elam. Narissa was born in London to a black Christian father and a white Jewish Mother. With long flowing black hair, olive green eyes, light bronze skin, and a charming English accent, she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. At that time, Nassir was a Captain in the Turkish Gendarmerie responsible for maintaining order during peacetime in rural areas not under regular military forces. His unit was stationed in Diyarbakir in Southeast Turkey near the Tigris River assigned to take part in the new campaign the government had announced to put down the PKK insurgency there. Narissa had come there as a reporter for World News Network (WNN) to interview Nassir about the campaign. When she arrived at his command post to interview him, she was immediately struck by how handsome he was. At 6 '4, he was tall and athletically built. He had stern, dark features with bronze skin, dark wavy hair and deep blue eyes that somehow drew her in.
"Ms. Elam, I'm told we have an interview."
She had been caught of guard. "Yes, we do. Thank you so much for your time Captain Berzovsky. My name is.."
"I know who you are, Ms. Elam. Please, I don't have much time. Let's get started. As you know, my men and I are very busy and we have much to do here."
"Yes, well, sorry for the interruption. Your English is very good Captain. They told me that I would not need a translator, but I still thought that..."
He interrupted her. "Yes, I speak six languages, all fluently. As I said, I don't have much time. Let us just get this over with so that I can't finish what I came here to do."
"I'm sorry Captain, maybe we got of on the wrong foot. I don't mean to inconvenience you but I'm just a reporter here to do an interview that your government approved. The world wants to know what.."

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