27. Wolfsbane

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Oh lord
Let me know love but never
Learn it's pain.


"What could the current King possibly have against you, Alexander." Vera couldn't stop the inquiry, which she spat absentmindedly while attitude leaked from her pores.

Upon finishing the button up to her teal sweater, Vera's ashy irises darted upward, to glare into the side of her mate's head.

The short girl sported black dress pants to match her outfit once she turned on the balls of her feet behind the Alpha. Nervousness swept down the length of Vera's spine, as a shiver raced down the hairs on her arm.

If it wasn't for the Alpha which kept her tucked securely into his side, It was the bone curdling power that encircled their auras which made Vera's nerves grow tormented. The surging bulletproof tension, that allowed her to know she was surrounded by greater and much stronger entities.

The tightness of the room, told Vera to escape before she didn't have the legs to run. Now was her chance, but she unavoidably fought it. She stood tall and rooted in place — not feening to leave.

Reconciliation set ablaze while Vera stares at the man before her in the corner, attempting to appear invisible. The Prince doesn't bend to her level, only sighs awkwardly before turning the opposite direction to where she couldn't face him. Her gaze too penetrating.

What happened to that bold persona in the woods? His thumping heart against her backside that relished into her unbearable true weakness. Where was the filmsy mate romantics which inspired a frenzy from her toes to her fingertips.

Vera hadn't know the male Adonis very well, she didn't know him at all for that matter, thanks to Alexander, but for their next meeting she didn't expect to see him like this again. Detached and tucked tail.. Especially after learning he had been conspiring a secret organization that had intentions of killing Alexander. Thus, the Malediction.

She feels her other male shift beside her as the two distinct scents watered her mouth and flooded her nose. One lingers around in the air more pungent, while the other is tingling her sensibility, reminding her of a home. A home she'd never gotten while in the comfort of Alexander Bane.

There's so many particular quintessence within this room, colliding all around until she felt she couldn't breathe any longer, Vera's heart pounded harder against her rib cage.  Had it not been silent, nobody would be able to hear or sense her agitation, and yet... it was awfully quiet.

The King's pervasive odor was the most suffocating. It was clearly some unresolved distrust between not only the king but his children, and the feeling hadn't spared Vera as she hid from the sight of the royal family. The King wasn't anything like Vera had initially expected, or maybe he was.

It was a granted, how enthralling the King's presence was... his natural scent reeked of untimely death and he had these bulky teeth that you could see behind thick lips which glistened pearly whenever he opened his mouth.

Greying speckles of hair sprouted from the older male's top lip and just below his nose. His hair was a shiny silvery blonde, nothing like the thickening black fleece that relied on Alexander's head. His arms were also large in size, substantially solid even for a man of his age. The king was a force to be reckoned with.

Vera couldn't help but wonder who would win if the King fought all of his offspring together...

Vera's eyes skim the King down but she never dared to look him directly in the face, until finally it was him who had broken the unbecoming neutrality first, with a wrinkling tarnished hand wavering in the hair, and a forced grimacing smile.

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