1 Charlie

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The red and blue spun and lit up the back cabin of the police car. Once a person gets arrested one time for arson and then all the sudden, they are unable to cross the street without being taken home in a cop car. The door was flung upon on the other side and Morgan was pushed in. Morgan threw her head back and laughed. I raised my eyebrow at my twin. Her black hair was in a high ponytail. She was in a tank and a pair of ripped jeans. She turned her head and there was a thick layer of black eyeliner that traced her eyes.

"It would help our case if you wouldn't hackle like a hyena."

Morgan rolled her eyes. "We didn't do anything wrong. We were just swinging on a swing set."

"Minor details of private property and after midnight don't mean anything to you does it."

She shook her head. "They're taking us home plus I didn't exactly twist your arm to join me."


"Exactly." Morgan shook her head and looked out of the car.

The cop started to drive off. He knew our house without even asking for directions.

"Nani is going to kill us." I groaned as I sat back in the seat.

Morgan glanced at me.

"I'm not sure if death is high on her punishment list. She wouldn't be able to make us miserable if we're dead."

I started up at the roof of the car. It was pitch black outside. We passed unlit neighborhoods.

"I feel bad waking you grandmother up," the cop in the front spoke.

"You could just let us free here at the corner and we can go on our marry way." Morgan leaned towards the front seat.

He laughed. "Now, why would I do that? I do love your grandmother's cookies and I'd hate to miss out."

I smiled. "You're her favorite."

Officer. Watson chuckled harder. "Why's that?"

"Because you only take us home to her with a smile on your face instead of that stern 'they'll die in prison' attitude." Morgan responded.

"And you're more interested in her cooking than full blow arresting us." I added.

He shook his head. "That's fine. I'd hate to see her come at me with that wooden spoon she answers the door with."

"That's just a threat she doesn't actually do that." Morgan responded. "Well, not anymore now that we're bigger than her."

"Don't you get that sweet old lady in trouble."

"I'm going to tell her you called her old," Morgan smirked.

I grinned. "Oh, now you're trouble."

"You two keep her young."

We turned and smiled at each other. That was something that our Nani said all the time. Then she would start a string of prayers mixed with curses in Spanish. Soon Officer Watson pulled into our driveway. There were flickering lights in the living room. I groaned. The front door flung open as we stepped out of the car. Our grandmother walked out in a bathrobe and slippers. Her short brown and grey hair caught in the porch lights. Her lips were in a tight line.

"What did they do this time?" She spoke up with her arms cross firmly across her chest. "I woke up randomly and found their beds empty."

"They were just playing on private property. Nothing troublesome. However, since they are sixteen, I had to bring them home."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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