Chapter 5

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"Ugh!" you dropped your head on the stack of forms in front of you. Nick chuckled from his seat.

"Bet you're regretting getting out of the hospital so early." you turned your head to the side with a nod. "Definitely." A few days after your little fainting spell and you were good to go. When you heard what the doctor told Nick and the other's you were uneasy. You knew they just assumed it was faulty tech, and the thought comforted you, but there was just an inkling feeling that could have very well found out about you. This was the main reason you avoided hospitals if you could help it. When you were aware of your capabilities you steered clear. Caitlin was the only doctor you felt completely safe around.

"Looks like you have a lot on your mind." Nick's words pulled you out of your own musings.

"Just tired I guess, it's been a tough week."

"You're telling me." He added. He was handling his share of documents. Earlier in the week you'd manage to take down an entire drug cartel, as well as free more than a dozen teenagers that were being trafficked throughout New York. The look on those girls' faces were forever embedded in your mind.

This was the hardest part. With all that you could do you knew you could have permanently dealt with those horrible men. You'd almost lost control when Olivia interrogated the boss. He had such a smug look on his face, like he'd never be caught. For a while it even looked that way. But you had faith in Olivia, and in the end it all worked out. You were scared though, scared of what you would have done if he got away.

You were glad that you had people like Joe West and Barry Allen to help you navigate between the lines of right and wrong. You were a cop, it was a part of the job. Still, there were times where you wondered if getting rid of all these awful people wouldn't help the world. You raised your head off the table, eyes moving to Nick.

You had partners before, but something was different about him. Nick was shouldering so much in his life. A month or so he'd told you about his ex wife and daughter, granted he was partially hammered. It was such a sad story, you could tell how much he loved his daughter. After that wild night of drinks though, he assured you that things were going great with her. Well as great as it could get with his limited visiting hours. You just wanted him to be happy.

Carisi walked in just then, a man in handcuffs in his possession. "Caught this punk flashing his junk in the park." Nick laughed, leaning back in his chair. "Maybe an overstay will help clear his head." the guy was obviously drunk, he was barely keeping himself upright. Carisi nudged him in the direction of the cells to help him clear his head. "Is that common here?" you inquired. Nick raised an eyebrow.

"Why, you wanna go sightseeing." You flushed. "W-What NO! That's gross!" you protested with a huff. Nick was laughing once again. "You're way too easy to rile up (Y/N)." you pouted. Another thing that annoyed you was the way he treated you. You could tell he respected you, he really did, but maybe it was in a little sister sort of way. The very thought made you cringe. You did not see him that way at all.

"It's not like anything's going to happen between us anyway." The unspoken rule of the universe was to never date anyone you worked with. It always complicated everything. So even considering getting into something with your partner was out of the question. You didn't have the slightest idea in the dating department anyway, so you weren't that worried. Olivia walked out from her office, dropping a file on your desk. When you saw it you groaned and she smiled. "I knew you'd come to your senses." She teased. You wore a wry smile.

"I had to at some point." you shifted back into the chair, only turning when you saw Amanda walk in. It took you a second to realize she had a strained look on her face, There was also someone else behind her. His hand was on her back, and when he gave one last shove you noticed something. "Everyone freeze!" he yelled. All the officers braced immediately, drawing their weapons.

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