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60 Percent.
The human body is about sixty percent water. It's almost the same percentage that the Earth  is ocean.


Part of him wanted the blood to keep running, for the red tides to swell and overflow from his veins. To drain him dry, and take him away from his painful existence.


He could feel it. The crashing of thunderous crests against sand. The all consuming surges of water that slushed and gurgled.

72 percent.


Percy wished Gabe would just kill him already, like Gabe did his mom. He knew it probably wouldn't happen, but he could wish.


Nancy and her lackeys cackled, but Percy could hardly hear their mindless noise over the pounding in his ears.

84 percent.


Nine days. That's how long Percy had been falling. Nine days he spent falling in the darkness of a rocky crevice with only his thoughts to occupy him.

Slowly he descended to the pit.


Nancy's lunch slid down Grover's face, leaving smears of sauces and foods on his face and clothing.

91 percent.


He longed for some resemblance of his mother. Wanted something, anything, that would make his reflection less of a stranger.


Nancy opened her mouth to make a teasing comment. Her voice little more than a distant whisper against the raging winds inside him. A wave roared in his ears, his vision tunneled.

100 percent.


|Drowning in Dark Seas|[written Aug

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|Drowning in Dark Seas|
[written Aug. 2020]
Some unconnected snippets to tease some events in the book. I am currently writing and planning the events of this book, but I wanted to give you guys something to read that would hold you over during the wait time. I don't know when I will start releasing chapters, so I hope this teaser will get you excited for the rewrite of this book.

Thanks for reading,

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