[OG] Chapter 4: The Nightmare Begins

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A/N 8/12/2022: Alright, for the next few chapters, they are gonna be labeled "OG" because these are the original chapters for this book, the rewritten chapters of this book will come out at least once a month or so, since I'll be back in school, but if you want to, you can read the original version that I made 2 years ago, the rewritten chapters will be labeled "RE". Anyway, if you want, read these original chapters and the rewritten ones will come out soon


"In the mist dark figures move and twist, Was all this for real or some kind of hell"
- The Number Of The Beast - Iron Maiden

July 23, 2020, 5:09 AM

Isaiah POV
I woke up from a nightmare around 5 in the morning, I was wonder what it must be, was this dream some type of warning about something. Could I believe what I see in that dream of a nuclear wasteland of New York City, where I was in the point of view of someone in a helicopter crashing down into a building, waking up and standing facing the direction of the mushroom cloud. I just keep remembering that dream thinking why I had that dream and whose point of view I was in. When I was done getting ready for the day I went to the mess hall where I saw Marius and Monika awkwardly holding hands. I went over and jokingly asked if they did it and they obviously said no, I walked away and sat alone at a table and just ate my food. A green haired girl looked at me in annoyed way and sat across from me.

???: Hey could I sit with you, this is normally where I sit or with my sister over across the mess hall but I had a fight with that bitch so I decided not to sit with her but my names Elźbieta Bosak but call me Ela

Isaiah: Oh sorry I didn't know but names Isaiah and If you want me to leave I'm alright with that

Ela: Eh you can stay

Isaiah: So I'm guessing your polish due to your accent and your form the GROM

Ela: Yeah pretty much and known as a rebel to everyone

Isaiah started think about who this person is for some reason is interested in know who she is and stuff. Isaiah was never interested in anybody in his whole life but what could this feeling be, love, anxiety, what is it.

Isaiah: I guess we have something alike but what happened with you and the so called "Bitch" if you don't mind telling me

Ela: So I got into a fight with my Sister whose name is Zofia about her pretty much telling me I'm a whore and that I'm a easily seduced women but I told her for what feels like the millionth time that I'm a virgin and I hate the idea of being a whore and just that so yeah thats why I'm not sitting with her like I usually do

Isaiah: I can understand but I'm still confused why your sister does that type of shit like she's a controlling and manipulative person and don't be offended or anything but I was surprised your a virgin because your good looking not gonna lie

Ela blushed a little bit due to the comment Isaiah made to her. Isaiah felt like he shouldn't have said that because he felt like he ruined his chance with her because he is head over heels for this woman.

Ela: Eh I've never been interested in anybody plus a lot of people don't like me as a person because of what my sister says about me and your not wrong about her being manipulative, my dad when he was alive always believed her no matter what and she was the reason why my dad hated me because of all the lies she told about me

Isaiah:  Damn my parents were never really like that because they treated me and my sister equally and they would somehow find out if you were lying or telling the truth in a instant it was impressive but I feel bad about what happened and can understand why you have arguments with her from what I tell

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