The Prank

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3rd Person POV-Living Room:

Nat, Bruce, and Thor watched Felicity and Loki head to the elevator after just staring at each other for a minute. As they were walking, Loki put his has on the small of her back. Once they left, the three of them were genuinely confused. 

  Nat was the first to speak. "Are they...?"

  "I don't think my brother is that kind of person. But, who knows."

  Bruce speaks up, "F.R.I.D.A.Y., where are Felicity and Loki going?"

 "They are currently on Loki's floor." F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies.

  They just look at each other in surprise. A few minutes later, Clint and Peter come back. They both head to the kitchen and get some water. "Hey, where is Felicity?" "Yeah, and where is Loki?" Peter and Clint ask.

  "They both walked out and went to Loki's floor." Nat says.

  Clint raises his eyebrows, and Peter spits out his water. That's when Tony walks in. 

  "What the heck?! Peter, why did you just spit water all over the floor?"

  "Loki's on his floor."


  "With my sister. Alone."

  Tony's face displays a look of shock. After a minute he says, "Well, ok. Um, I did not think that was going to happen. She hasn't even been here a full day."

  Steve walks in. Notice the looks of shock and the water on the floor, he askes, "What did I miss?" Clint is the one to reply this time.

  "Loki and Felicity."

  Steve looks confused. "What about them?"

  Nat explain the whole situation to Steve, Tony, Peter, and Clint. Since none of them were in the room at the time. To put it lightly, everyone was shocked. Peter was slightly mad, though.

3rd Person POV-Loki's Floor:

  Loki and Felicity are just sitting in his living room, with the security camera in the main living room on the TV. They both have popcorn and are thoroughly enjoying watching everyone's faces. They decided to change up what they were going to do while they waited.

  Loki is reading everyone's mind and relaying it to Felicity's. Little does he know that she is also reading their minds and just ignoring what he is sending to her.

  About 30 minutes pass and they decide to get ready and go back up. Felicity let down her hair, then went over to Loki to mess up his hair a bit.

Felicity's POV:

  After I mess up Loki's hair a bit, I notice that he is staring at me. I'm gonna ask, but then I decide against it. He looked so handsome, especially with his hair slightly messy.

Loki's POV:

  When Felicity lets down her hair, she looks even more beautiful. I can't help but stare. She comes over to mess up my hair some. When she's done, she stares back at me for a moment.

  "Shall we go?" I ask.


3rd Person POV-Elevator:

  As they rode back up to the living room. They just smirked at each other, knowing what everyone will think.

3rd Person POV-Living Room:

  The elevator opens and Loki and Felicity come out and sit down on the couch. 

  Nat immediately notices that Felicity's hair is down, even though she had put it up after her shower.

  Thor immediately notices that Loki has slightly messy hair. Loki almost never has messy hair. This gets Thor thinking.

  Tony decides to speak up first. "So, where were you two?"

  Loki and Felicity look at each other for a split second, and Felicity says, "Loki was just showing me around the Tower."

  Everyone knows that that was not true. Nat, Clint, Bruce, and Tony know that they are just trying to cover up the truth. Thor and Steve know as well, but wonder why this happened. Then there was Peter, who was mad that they were lying, and that they didn't just tell him.

  A minute goes by and Loki speaks to Felicity, saying, "Shall we?" She only smirks and nods. Everyone is expecting them to say that they are together. 

  Instead, Loki says, "F.R.I.D.A.Y., pull up the security camera from my living room from the time Felicity and I got there to when we left and put it on the TV."

  Everyone watches the video of the two of them watching the camera in the main living room, laughing at everyone else, and eating popcorn. After a sped-up version of that half-hour, they see Felicity take down her hair and mess his up slightly. Then they both got in the elevator and the video ended.

  Everyone turns to looks at Felicity and Loki, who have amused looks on their faces.

  "Hold up", Tony says. "So, you two did all that to make us think that you guys got together, but it was all just a prank."

  "Yup" Felicity says, popping the p as she speaks.

  "Breaking her in for prank wars, are we, Loki?" Clint says.

  "I thought it was only fair."

  Then Peter asks, "So you guys aren't together?"

  "No", they both say.

  'aw man, I was kinda hoping they were.' Peter thinks.

  Loki and Felicity both catch this, and their eyes widen. Peter looks over, and suddenly remember that Felicity can read minds. He also forgot that Loki as well. He mentally curses. Thankfully, the two are still both preoccupied trying to understand why Peter would think that.

  Everyone ends up agreeing that it was a pretty good first prank for Felicity. By now, it's dinner time and everyone is hungry.

  "Hey Felicity, have you ever had Shwarma?" Tony asks.

  "I think I have once. Yeah, definitely. I like it."

  "Good. That's a big food here. That and pop-tarts."

  They order Shwarma and spend the night watching movies. Everyone ends up asleep in the living room, on top of each other.

  Nat and Steve have fallen asleep on each other. Thor fell asleep on the floor. Bruce fell asleep in a chair. Peter fell asleep on Tony, and Tony fell asleep leaning on the couch with hid arm around Peter in a fatherly way.(A/N: just so you guys know, Peter had called May while chasing Clint through the vents. Told her everything, and she agreed to let him live at the Tower, since he already had a room there.) Felicity had fallen asleep laying on Loki's chest, while he was leaning on the end of the couch, holding her tightly.


Hope you enjoyed the prank. Slight foresight in this chapter, hope you caught the little ship I put in. Thanks for reading!

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