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As kakashi catches naruto, naruto gasps for air as he sees that his sensei saves him from killing himself, he quickly gets up as he's surprised to see all him team there. Sauske already quirky got rid of all the drugs incinerating them with his fire ball jutsu. Kakashi sits down with naruto & asks him what been going as naruto starts to cry for he tells them about getting beat up on the daily getting tortured on the daily as he shows them his scares about his been raped since he was 6 years old. Sakura just stands there crying after hearing all this stories & how she treated him she felt so guilty as sauske was just pissed at the village & the villagers, but kakashi was more disappointed in him self that he couldn't take care of his sensei son his sensei's legacy.
After a couple hours past & they all decided to leave, foolish mistake thought naruto as he was already set on ending his life. He ran to the roof & jumped.


As he was falling he saw kakashi Sakura & sauske, he wished them luck for he wasn't going to be with them, kakashi turns around just to see his pupils house one more time just to see naruto falling to the ground. He activated his mangekyo & tryed to warp him away. But it was to late Sakura screams as to see his teammate splat on the ground dead on impact.
Sauske at the sight unlocked the 3 tomoe sharingan, kakashi pissed at him self drops on the floor & curses at the village. But they were in the smallest way glad that he was now at peace.


He was 12 so 8 years have passed sauske is now 20 he gave up on his dream to kill itachi for he found out a couple years later, he thought that naruto wanted to be hokage so in his honor sauske became it, Sakura after naruto death felt guilty she feel into drugs & was killed of in a mission. Now kakashi every day goes to minatos grave & apologized as he now is even more late even for mission.
But both naruto & kakashi knew that naruto was happy.

Alr lmao that the end of that I forgot that I was going for like that the whole things was a flashback so I got distracted & this came pretty shitty, but I hope you enjoys I have some more Ideas I want to try & dunno maybe at some point I'll make a remake. Anyways thanks for reading hope u like it 😼

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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