Chapter 1 : filling a gap.

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-Fuck you ! If you wanna go, then go ! I am tired of all your bullshit and this one sided relationship ! You Keep complaining, but you're just like your father !

Thoses were the last words he heard from Winry, three years ago. She went way too far.
The head laid against the train's window, he couldn't help but replaying the whole argument in his head over and over.
After all, it's been three years that he didn't took this train to come to Resembool.

Three weeks ago he met this pretty woman, called Anna in central. She had Long, brown wavy hair, and Beautiful blue eyes. Edward wasn't the kind of being interested in women and relationship, but he would be a liar if he was saying that he wasn't feeling a bit alone an didn't  enjoyed her compagny at night, in his bed.
Sadly he learned that she only came in central to visit her family, she was actually living in Resembool, and worked in a tiny flower shop.
He sighed:
'what the hell I have done to deserve this ?'
Actually he knew that Resembool was a pretty small city, and he would definitly see Winry there. And it was the last thing he wanted, the last.
But at the same time he knew that he couldn't avoid Resembool forever, after all he grew up there, and knew that Alphonse was certainly going to live there once he finished his research on alkahestry. He was trying to reassure himself by telling himself that even if he see her, she would certainly ignore him, and that would be for the best.
But still, he couldn't help and having a stomacache from stress.

When the train arrived at Resembool, Edward stretched himself before standing up, taking his luggage with him, then stepped outside the train. Anna has been waiting for him on the train station, when she saw him she couldn't help but jumping at him:
-Edward ! You're finally here !
He chuckled softly:
-Yes, but I told you to wait for me at home.
-Ah I couldn't help, I missed you too much !
She answered, laughing.
-Calm down it's only been one week.
They started walking toward Anna's house, and she wrapped her arm around his. He wriggled out his arm, and looked away embarassed.
-Hm you know I grew up there so I prefer that.... We stay a bit more discret...?
Answered Anna, disappointed.
Actually all he wanted was not taking the risk that Winry would see him too Close to another women. For an unknown reason, this was freaking him out. And he also didn't wanted anyone to think anything that wouldn't be true, they weren't dating. Even if he knew that Anna was more than interested in taking the next step with him, he clearly wasn't in the right place mentally to start a new serious relationship. He knew that this was a bit selfish of him, that he was certainly playing with her feelings, and giving her false hopes.
But he couldn't help and had to admit that her compagny was comforting.

When Anna opened the door of her house, this released a sweet perfume in the air.
-Is it apple pie that I smell?
Asked Edward, knowing this smell way too well.
-Exactly ! Come inside, it's still warm.
He followed her to the kitchen without  adding anything else, and sat at the table.
Anna took off the pie of the oven, and put it on table. She put two plates on the table, and picked a knife to cut two slice, and put one in each plate before sitting in front of Edward.
-So, how was this week?
Asked Anna in a joyful tone.
-Well, kinda fine... But I won't that I am more than tired now...
He answered while taking a first bite from the pie.
'It hurt to admit it, but Winry's one was better...'
He wanted to slap himself for thinking that.
Anna softly rubbed the side of her feet against Edward's right leg, resulting in his face becoming red.
-Well don't worry, you will able to rest now.
He knew that she wasn't talking about taking a nap.
He nervously laughed :
-Hm yeah, I hope...
He kept focusing on eating.
-Will you help me cooking dinner ?
Asked Anna, she was desesperate to spend some Time with him, well she was craving for it.
Edward scratched the back of his head, embarassed:
-Well I don't know how to cook to be honest... It's going to be a catastrophy if I get involved...
-I can learn you how to cook ! I mean you live alone, so it might be useful for you right ? She suggested while grabbing his hands.
-Well I Guess that it cost me nothing to try...

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