spells ♡

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a spell is a magickal working done by a witch to bring about desired change. a spell can involve herbs, crystals, candles, bottles, water, sand, practically anything you have on hand, but the most important tool is yourself.

early on in your craft, learning about what a spell is and why it works is very important, but doing them is generally not recommended until you've done a lot of research. and keep in mind i don't know everything about witchcraft! i'm just here to help you get started and with any questions you may have.

there are a lot of things that you need to consider when doing a spell, and before you can start to magickally bring money to you, you should learn grounding, centring, protection, cleansing, and banishing.


always cleanse yourself, your space, and your tools before casting your spell. then protect yourself by casting a circle, wearing an amulet or talisman, etc. you should have more than one form of protection on you at a time when casting spells.

what spells CAN'T do:

♡ defy the laws of science, physics, etc., so a flight spell is not possible
♡ turn you into a creature, mythical or otherwise
♡ summon slenderman. please, please, don't try summoning spells, you could actually end up invoking a negative entity. i don't know why you would want to try to summon slenderman anyway he literally kills people

what spells CAN do:

♡ bring money and prosperity
♡  make someone nicer to you or "sweeten" them
♡ give you almost anything you want
♡ show you the likely future
♡ make it rain
♡ bring you luck
♡ bring you love
♡ bring you peace, focus, or happiness
and so much more

the rule of three:

the rule of three states that whatever you send out into the universe (positivity, negativity, etc.) will come back to you times three. not all witches believe in it, though. it's up to you whether you believe in it or not. i personally do not.

why/how do spells work?

depending on who you ask, you'll get a different answer, sometimes very different, but they'll most likely all say something about "intention".

my answer is that spells work because everything has energy and vibrates at a specific frequency. when you vibrate (or "vibe") at the same frequency as the things you want, you can attract them. when you vibrate at a low frequency, you bring negative things to you, and when you vibrate at a high frequency, you bring positive things to you.

when you send your intentions out to the universe when you cast a spell, you change your frequency to match the frequency of your desires, and then they will be attracted to you.

belief is also a core part of spellwork. if you don't believe something will work, how could it possibly work? this is my opinion.

keep in mind we might have different beliefs of why spells work! it is fine for your beliefs to change. that's part of learning and growing on your spiritual path.
and sorry if that was confusing!

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