Pixal: Coma Un Diccionario Español (Eat a Spanish Dictionary)

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ME: Emilee, you got some apologising to do, missy!

Emilee: I'm sowy.

ME: For?

Emilee: Being too lazy to update.

ME: Who are you apologising to?

Emilee: My readers.

ME: Who in particular?

Emilee: Pixal.

ME: Good girl, up top. *holds hand out for a high five*

Emilee: *punches my fist* TURKEY! X3

ME: ._. Anywho, she's sorry, Pixal. Your dare is awesome, though! Pix dares us to speak in another language for a long time, and if they fail, they have to eat a spanish dictionary.

Chica: PIZZA! (can we use this language again?)

Mangle: *static* (nah, let's be defective police radios!)

Chica: PIZZA! (No, not all of us can do that!)

Foxy: *pops in, static noise* (Yeah we can.)

Chica: PIZZA! (well, i'm still speaking like this!

Emilee: Estoy tomando clases de español en la escuela. (I'm taking spanish classes in school.)

ME: Yo también. (me too)

Emilee: Usted no va a la escuela. (You don't go to school)

ME: Yo no te digo todo. (I don't tell you everything)

Foxy: *static* (Well, i'm gonna do this.)

Mangle: *static* (me too.)

ME: Okay (ok) (Yeah, "okay" seriously means ok in spanish i looked it up on google translate)

Emilee: Muy bien, entonces ¿Qué vamos a hablar? (Alright, so what're we gonna talk about?)

ME: No se. (I dunno.)

Chica: PIZZA! (I want pizza)

ME: *facepalm* No, Durr! (No, Durr) (I know, it's wierd, but they mean the same thing)

Emilee: *laughs* Uno siempre quiere pizza! (You always want pizza!)

Foxy: *static* (Actually, there was once a time where she was obsessed with the idea of pizza flavored cupcakes)

Emilee: ¿No es la misma cosa? (Isn't that the same thing?)

Foxy: *static* (Nah, it's cupcakes, not pizza)

Emilee: Oh.

Mangle: *static* (*laughs* Wow, we sound rediculous!)

Foxy: *static* (Aye)

ME: ¿Dónde está Bonnie y Freddy? (Where's Bonnie and Freddy?)

Mangle: *static* (And Puppet and BB?)

Foxy: *static* (Don't forget Mike, Jeremy, and Fritz?)

Emilee: Y chico púrpura y tipo de teléfono! (And Purple Guy and Phone guy)

Purple Guy: Im in angulo. (I'm in the corner) (Latin)

Phone Guy: Vous avez appelé? (You called?) (haha, phone guy! That's french, btw)

Mike: What? What're you guys doing?

*Awkward silence*

All except Mike: *busrts out laughing*

Mike: What's so funny?

Purple Guy: Habes nunc glossarium manducare! (You have to eat a dictionary now!)

Mike: Whuuuuuu?

ME: It's okay, guys. we dont have to be bilingual anymore. Mike's gotta eat a spanish dictionary though!

All except Purple Guy and Mike: *laughs*

Mike: (to purple guy) Vincent? (yeah, i know, it's not original. i like the name though)

Vincent: (purple guy) Yeah?

Mike: What exactly is going on?

Vincent: I get the feeling they're trying to make a joke. Unless it involves death, it's not funny.

*awkward silence*

Mike: you know how i feel about dead silence, you guys!

Vincent: *bursts out laughing*

Puppet: *growls* NO!!! OH MY GOOOOOOD NOOOOOOO!!!!

Goldie: *looks around obliviously*

Frosty: *chases freddy across the room* NOTICE ME SENPAI FREDDY!!!

~X Later that Night X~

Jeremy: (agreed to eat half of the dictionary so Mike wouldn't have to eat the whole thing) *puts dictionary in a food processor, which breaks*

Mike: Yeah, not your brightest idea.

~X Later X~

Mike+Jeremy: (finished eating the dictionary)

Jeremy: Ow.

Mike: You can say that again.

Jeremy: Ow.

Mike: Leave dares and all that cool stuff in the comments below, and uhh... HEY! you can dare the humans now! That'd be Jeremy, Vincent, PG, Kimberly, and Yours Truly! Have a great day/evening!

Mike+Jeremy: *waves* Baii!!!

Jeremy: X3

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