Brain Undone

25 3 0

Mind overfill

So it all spilled

over— system failure,

red lights and alarms,

a series of harm.

One too many arms,

fingers creeping, reaching.

Brain undone, overcome,

like a cookie snapped in half.

Sitting in the aftermath:

crumbled, crumbled.

You can hear them

rumble, rumble,

to eat you alive.

Close your eyes.

Or open them.

The darkness consumes

all either way,

running blind through this maze.

"Foolish girl, thought you could escape?"

Mind overflowed.

Bending of the bow

and aim and release.

So much at stake.

Not a single break.

There is no peace.

Try all you might

but its not yours to decide

whether to bridge the divide.

A mind split and shattered

to resemble The Mad Hatter.

Let it go, arms slack.



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