More fucks

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Uh..sorry. Every story needs a lil :( tho

When Race went over to Brooklyn the next morning, a solemn Spot was not what he was expecting. Neither were the words 'we has to end this' as soon as he entered the room. Races mouth went dry. The thing he'd been dreading. The thing he'd been getting no sleep over. It was happening. He was loosing the only person who loved him.
"End what? Youse jokin', right?"
Race laughed nervously, he pulled a smile over the pounds if sadness that had just struck him. They'd get through this.
"No. Race. This is illegal. I can't-we can't."
Spot said sternly, probably not the best idea. It made him seem like he was not phased by this at all. It gave Race the interpretation that he'd never actually loved him.
"There is no us. There never can be. Never will."
"Unbelievable. Yesterday you said ya loved me today..this. Spot Conlon everyone! Did you ever actually love me? Or was that just to get me to shut up?"
Spot didn't answer. He had to act tough, he was the emotionless leader of Brooklyn who would snap your neck if you went within 2 feet if him. So he didn't answer. Quite literally, the taller boy felt his heart shatter into multiple pieces. Such a fool he was to think someone would actually stay. Race shoved past Spot, throwing a shirt at him.
"Forget it, Sean. You're a Fucking. Asshole."
He said coldly, barging his way out the door. He didn't wanna make a scene, he didn't wanna start a riot. The world started to get fuzzy. Ringing took over his ears and the unlit cigar was not helping. He could end it all. He could jump off the bridge because what was there left for him on this earth? Nothing! He lived in a tight house with scarce food and blankets where he had to share a bed with someone and he couldn't bathe himself for days at a time. His family was dead. The one person who he had thought loved him just broke the news to him that they didn't. Race was actually about to do it when he heard a familiar voice. One he hadn't heard in a long time but one that made himself immediately calm when he heard it. Katherine's.
"Race? Racetrack? What are you doing all the way over here?"
What was he doing here? He didn't need to come.
"sellin'. What're you doin' over here?"
"Just visiting family friends."
She smiled, her smile was nice. It made everyone feel warm on the inside.
"May I walk back with you, Mr.Higgins?"
Race nodded. He glanced back at the Brooklyn lodging house but didn't again. He could manage talking to Katherine for a bit if it meant taking his mind off of Spot. She was surprisingly easy to talk to, Race guesses he'd just never really thought about. He'd never been relatively close with her, which was weird considering him and Jack were practically best friends. She would listen, and Race knew. He didn't think there was a way in hell she could have a cold heart.
"I was with Spot."
He mumbled, instantly regretting it. She could have a cold heart. It wasn't likely but it was a stupid risk to take.
"Conlon? Why?"
Race glanced around, they were the only ones walking the bridge which was weird.
"You ain't allowed to tell this to anyone. Got it?"
Katherine nodded.
"We was together. Like-not, whatsa word, platonically,"
She tilted her head. Race braced himself for a blow of hateful words, and then a toss off of the bridge, but Katherine simply asked,
"He-he just ended it."
Race sniffled. He wanted to get his mind of the boy but apparently that wasn't allowed. Crying didn't seem like the best option right now, they were out in public and unlike usual he had no intent of drawing attention to himself. Katherine wrapped an arm around him, which was the opposite of the response he was expecting, Race wasn't complaining though. This girl was nice. He could get used to being her friend.
"I'm sorry, Race. That's not-it was an asshole move."
Race dug his foot into the ground. It was an asshole move, no matter how much he wanted to forgive Spot. Somewhere deep down he knew that he wouldn't mind if Spot waltzed back in and apologized, and somewhere deep down he knew that it go to shit sooner rather than later so there was no point in trying to save what was already broken. The best he could do was sweep it under the rug and not go to Brooklyn for...forever. No more finding excuses to go with Jack, no more sneaking off. No more. Race twisted the cigar in his mouth, he was deep in thought and it was help a lot more if the thing was lit.
"Gotta match?"
Katherine grabbed it out of if Races mouth and threw it over the side of the bridge, dusting her hands.
"The hell was that for?"
"I know it's supposed to be helping but it's not, it's making it worse. Find a better coping mechanism than smoking your health will go to-"
"Katherine Pulitzer ain't gonna swear, right?"
"Shut up Higgins."

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