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Chapter forty-one✓

"I can't believe I agreed to this."

"Me neither."

Both Olivia and Melissa jumped out of the car parked on the curb and walked up to the tall metal gate in front of the building. Beyond the gate, a trail of cobblestone steps that looked like they were a step away from completely crumbling, led up to the old, run down stone building. Ivy crept up the obviously unkempt walls and thick metal bars that covered the windows, making it so that no light escaped the rooms; it seemed straight out of a horror movie.

Olivia shivered at the sight. She couldn't be having second thoughts, it was too late. "I'm only in here for a week and if anything happens, you can always come and get me out." Olivia paused and glanced over at Melissa's face which was full of concern. "Again, you can't tell Scott or anyone else." she said.

Melissa tilted her head in disagreement, "Have you met your friends? They'll find out no matter what I do." She chuckled dryly, trying to lighten the atmosphere despite their surroundings.

Taking a deep breath to ease her nerves, Olivia resumed walking towards the gate in front of them. She couldn't take her eyes off of the place. It was just creepy, way creepier than the picture in the newspaper that she saw promoting the place as a 'place of healing for the mind!'. It did not look like a place of healing for the mind.

Mrs. McCall reached for the buzzer on the gate and waited for the pop of the lock for the large metal gate to open.

A single second passed before a pop sounded and the gates creaked open by themselves, revealing the front yard of Eichen House. The grass was dead, plants shriveled up, decayed leaves liad trampled flat on the pathway leading up to the door. It didn't help Olivia's gut feeling at all.

The sight of the inside was no less concerning than the outside. Patients were being rolled in wheelchairs by orderlies, there was not a bright color in sight other than a bright white that coated the walls, and if the lobby was completely silent, muffled yelling and screaming from the other rooms as you walked further to the reception desk could be heard.

"Ah, Olivia Flynn?"

Olivia whipped her head around to see a woman with a clipboard in nurse scrubs looking at them with a hopeful face. Liv looked at Melissa who was gripping her purse tightly before nodding.

The lady guided them to an office down a hall. They passed by several staring patients as they scuffled on further into the hallway. The three entered a room with a desk and chairs and, of course, no windows in sight.

Olivia took a seat in front of the desk while Melissa sat straight next to her, fidgeting with her bag and looking around on high alert.

The woman, as Olivia studied her, seemed nice from her appearance alone, but she couldn't shake the uneasiness that overcame her each time their eyes connected.

"For the first seventy two hours there's no calls, no emails, no visitors." The nurse stated in a clearly rehearsed tone. She handed Mrs. McCall a clip board with a contract she had to fill out. "We will be taking you from here to a brief physical. In the morning you'll take an assessment by a staff psychologist, speak to a social worker, and attend group therapy," she finished.

Melissa paused as she was almost done with the contract, looking over to Olivia who was putting all of her items in a tan bucket. "Do you really want to do this, Olivia? The minute you don't want to be here anymore, I'll come get you. Just give me a call."

She paused as she put her phone into the bucket. Did she truly want to be put into an insane asylum? No. But she might as well be insane because there's a fucking demon in her head that's wreaking havoc on her and her friends life. The torment that she has been put through was incomparable to anything she'd ever been through...besides her whole family being killed and such — but she wanted to protect whatever loved ones she had left even if it meant being locked inside a mental hospital for a week. All she could hope is that her friends would come up with something during that time. Olivia didn't doubt that Scott and her friends knew that something was up — something very bad, so she's giving them some time to figure it out. And if they didn't...they were fucked.

the unknown ↠ stiles stilinski¹✓ (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now