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Luthfan Danial
"The Hiwaga prince"

regret and guilt
eat me alive at times
wishing so much
i could undo
all of my crimes
so many things
from my past it seems
all the huge mistakes i've made
seem to haunt my vivid dreams
and oh the pain, the fear
that constantly encompass me
whenever I think that one day
all in this world will be able to see
and all will know my sins, my crime
but there is no undoing
that can possibly be done
to mine own undoing
you see, i'm the one
who committed the acts of sin
and no one can help me now
no one can let me go back and begin
to try to undo what's done somehow
so off i go trodding through
until the end of time
when my days will come to an end

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