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He pulled me to his car and shoved me inside. "Taehyung, why are you doing this?" I asked. "You should be thanking me," he replied starting the engine. "What? I made a deal with him Taehyung, I cnat just back out," I replied. "You don't need a deal, I'll help you get the money you need and I won't be asking you to marry me for it." He said. "Why are you so concerned about all of this?" I questioned. "Because I like you Y/n!" He yelled. "I like you ok, and I don't want another man using you, ok," he shouted. "Jimin was using you and your body and I can't allow that to happen," he looked at me. "It's ok, if you don't like me, but I can't allow this." He said driving.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. Jimin wasn't using me. I agreed to do this. Taehyung just got me out of the deal. Now I don't have to continue being his wife. I should be happy. But why do I feel so sad. I felt like I was leaving him behind.


After a while we arrived at Taehyung's apartment. It was slightly smaller than Jimin's but still huge. "You can stay here, for the while," he said. "Thanks, Taehyung," I replied. "No problem," he smiled. I looked out the window in his room. My mind drifted to Jimin. Is he sad just like me? Does he miss me like I miss him?

Jimin POV

She left. With Taehyung. I didn't mean to use her. She was my wife. And she agreed to be my wife. Why did she leave me? I guess my plan didn't work out. And probably never will. I lost my chance. And I'll never get another one. I'm sorry Y/n. She's better off with him anyway. He's the better guy. He has his life on track, he's kind and he'll treat her well. Hopefully better than I did. She deserves better. I sat on the bed staring at the ceiling. She'll never come back. She's gone for good. I let her slip away.


I have been working from home for the past few days. Jimin hasn't called me or texted me. He probably doesn't miss me. He's probably happy that I'm out of the house, so he can go back to being a single guy. Maybe he didn't share the same feelings as I did for him. Even if I did ever share feelings. Of course you did Y/n, you fell for him! Stupid Y/n! I sighed. This was really stressing me out lately. I have been sleeping. I hardly have an appetite. If I do eat I feel so nauseous.

Taehyung's said I should visit the doctors but I don't need to. I'll be fine. I'm sure I'm just stressed. I continued working on my laptop. I hated the fact that I had to be away from him. He didn't reach out though. Maybe he's mad at me. Or did he care at all? Maybe I'm overthinking this. He probs didn't want me at all. Maybe I was just a game to him?


The next day I woke up and immediately threw up. Ugh. Maybe I do need to go to the doctors. "Going out?" Taehyung asked. "Mmhmm, I'm going to the doctors," I replied. "Want me to come with you?" He asked. "No I should be fine, you can go to work," I assured. He smiled and nodded.

I arrived at the doctors. So many thoughts ran through my mind. About Jimin of course. What is he hates me for leaving him. What if he never wants to see me again. What if he never loved me like I loved him. I fiddled with my fingers. "Ms. Y/n," the nurse called.

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