Of Dates and Shagging

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By: tweety-src-clt9

Of Dates and Shagging

I was nervous, anxious, and very excited as I held Hermione's hand. We just landed at the Forest of Dean, the exact spot we hid in during the war. This was a very special place for both of us. It was the place where Hermione asked me if maybe we could just stay here together and grow old. Back then, it was just wishful thinking because everything seemed bleak and hopeless. This time around, I wanted to make a new memory – a sweeter and happier one.

Due to my psychology research, I read something about replacing bad memories with happy ones. It's a form of therapy for trauma. So, I wanted to make our first date meaningful. I didn't want it to just be about romance and wooing Hermione. I wanted to bring closure for us. That way, we could slowly move forward with our lives.

Hermione has been very strong and resilient throughout all the hardships that she'd endured at Hogwarts, most especially during the Horcrux hunt. Since we shared a dorm for our final year, she didn't know that I could hear her screaming in fear when her nightmares from the war torment her at night. She wasn't aware that I would stay outside her room and cast a special charm that I created just for her. It's more of intent-based magic. I pour my magic so I can help her through the nightmares. It was exhausting to spend that much energy, but I would do anything just to make her nightmares stop. After all, if Hermione weren't involved in all the darkness that was my life, she would have been safe from all the trauma she had seen in the war. It was the least I could do for my savior.

"Harry? Can you remove my blindfold now?" Hermione's voice broke my reverie.

"Sorry," I muttered as I stepped behind her. I untied the knot and removed the blindfold. I smiled when I heard her gasp in surprise.

"Harry... It's so beautiful," she whispered.

Hermione was right. Kreacher, Luna, and Ginny did an excellent job in decorating this corner of the forest. I could not have chosen a more perfect night for our first date. The sky was nearly cloudless, and it was a full moon. The summer breeze was whistling against the leaves of the many trees that surrounded our tent. There were lanterns on some of the trees and there was a fire already set-up. I could even smell the delicious food that Kreacher had prepared.

When I remembered how much Kreacher despised Hermione, I chuckled. It seemed like a lifetime away. Now, when I asked him to prepare a special dinner for Hermione, he merely bowed and said, "I shall do my best to please my mistress, Master." Kreacher was still a sneaky little elf so he never called Hermione mistress when she was present. But when she was away, he would call her as such. It was ironic that even Kreacher knew of the depth of my feelings, but Hermione did not. Well, clearly she understood it now, I smirked as I remembered Hermione's gobsmacked face from this morning when I handed her my MRI results.

"What's so funny?" Hermione turned to face me.

"I just remembered how excited Kreacher was when he learned he was preparing a special dinner for you. Ironic how he used to call you names before, right?" I chuckled and Hermione shook her head in exasperation.

"You did not just have Kreacher spend so much effort for all of this!" she frowned.

"Kreacher cooked but it was Luna and Ginny who decorated the tent and the forest," I grinned.

"Oh... Sorry, you know how I am about – "

"I know, I was there when you're all crazy about SPEW, remember?" I teased and she rolled her eyes.

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