Date night gone wrong

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       Harry POV
Draco wanted to go to hogs mead (still don't know how to spell that) for a date. He told me to go get some candy well he found somewhere to eat. He said would text me when he did. 
———————————time skip————————
When I arrived I saw Pansy and 'Mione were picking out some candy. I walked up quietly behind them and yelled "BOO" Both girls shrieked 'mione recognizing my voice turned around and swatted me. "Harry why the Merlin beards would you do that!" 'Mione demands. "Cause it's funny." I say trying to gain my breath from laughing. " Very Slytherin of you." Pansy remarks. "Whatever, anyways what are you guys doing?" I ask "Oh we were just planning on going to dinner. Why?" 'Mione replies " That's funny cause Draco and I were planning on doing the same thing" " we could do one of those double date thingies you see the muggles do." Pansy says " ya that's a great idea let me go ask Draco. I will text you his reply." "Ok we will just finish our shopping and be right there depending on what he says." 'Mione says.
————another time skip cause I lazy———
I see Draco up a headed on the phone. I going to sneak up on him like i did the girls. I silently walk up behind him and jump at him yelling "surprise!" He turns around really fast and slaps me. Memories of my "family" came up and the abuse I had received from a young age. I turned around and ran.
—————————-Dracos POV——————
Someone comes behind me a yells surprise. My mind taking me back to the years of bullying for being forced to be a death eater or being in Slytherin in general came up. Heaven forbid memories of my "father" came up as well. Not skipping a beat I turn around real fast and slap the person trying to defend myself from the hits the I thought were sure to come. However surprised to see Harry there instead tears running down his face as he turns and starts to run. I watch as he runs to the nearest store probably to use their floo. I run to catch up but run into Hermione instead. "Draco, did Harry tell you about the double date. Speaking of Harry where is he?" Hermione ask. " uh... He wasn't feeling so well. He went home." I reply Slyly feeling a bit guilty. Pansy gives me a side ways look and makes a phone near her ear. I nod. "Well I hope he feels better. Tell him to call me later if he's feeling up to it." Hermione says. "Ok see you guys later." I say walking away. As I do I hear pansy say she was going to use the restroom. Hermione should go home and set a movie up. A few minutes later a feel a ding in my pocket I sit down on a bench knowing it's Pansy.
The flower
Draco Malfoy what the f*ck did you do!
I made huge mistake but I am gonna fix it but I am gonna need to ask Ron some things
The flower
You better make that a group chat with Hermione as well

Group chat made
The wise One
King Weasley
The wise one
Draco what's this all about I just talked to you
Yeah I kinda lied
King Weasley
And why would you do that
Cause I was scared of a death threat and also kinda didn't want to believe I did it
King Weasley
what the bloody hell did you do
The wise one
Ron clam done let him explain
King Weasley
Well my death threat was if he hurt Harry and if he scared of it then he hurt Harry
I can explain
King Weasley
Please do
I was bullied for being a death eater which I was forced into....and my father may have abused me so when Harry came up behind me and scared me I didn't even think before I reacted but instead of saying anything he ran
King Weasley
I guess I won't kill ya
The wise
Aw Draco I am sorry to hear that but one thing you need to know about Harry is he was abused as well
I am going to the mansion right now tell you guys what happens later got an idea on how to fix this

Authors note
Oh what's Draco going to do?  764 words.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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