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The holidays were rapidly approaching, and the weather continued to reflect that. It had been cold during the Quidditch match, but the snow was becoming a daily occurrence. Snow brought an entirely different atmosphere to Hogwarts. It looked welcoming, even more than usual. The beauty of the castle rooftops covered in that uncontrollable white blanket was unmatched.

Fred studied it from inside the comfort of the dormitory. He sat next to the window and peered both down below at students walking and up above at the occasional owl flying in, fighting against the harsh winds to deliver their news. The snow beat against the glass, turning to water and running down like mournful tears.

The little white box with the photos was brought out again. His favorite was still on top, where it belonged. Each time that lid was lifted off, Fred was greeted with Cedric's smile. If he closed his eyes, he could take himself back to that day, remember the details all over again. But here, the photo had a different purpose. It was delicately peeled away from the pile and the box was set aside.

Fred stood in front of the window, the photo in between two fingers of his left hand, his right gracefully reaching in front of him to touch the glass. He gave it a few firm taps like he was testing it to ensure it wouldn't break. Once it was deemed safe, he raised his left hand and pressed the photo to the window, holding it up only by his thumb. A few short paces were taken backward; he wanted a better look.

Because as pathetic as it may have seemed to anyone who saw him, doing this was one of the only things he could do that helped him remember how Cedric looked in the winter. It gave him the tiniest clue as to how the boy looked when the snow flurries got into his feathery brunette locks, how he looked when his cheeks turned red after staying out in the cold too long, how he looked when he exhaled out a deep breath and watched it appear back in front of him as he leaned forward to place a kiss on Fred's lips.

He remembered how happy Cedric always looked.

He still did, even as a ghost. Fred could barely comprehend how that was possible.

Nonetheless, he was grateful.

So incredibly grateful.

George managed to convince Fred to come outside during one of their free periods. It was snowing even more than usual. Within seconds of being exposed to the climate both of their coats were covered in the little flurries. Aggressive brushes were futile; anything shoved off returned immediately.

"What are you dragging me out here for?"

George responded with a soft chuckle, moving closer to sling an arm around the other's shoulder.

"Am I not allowed to enjoy some quality time with my dear brother?"

Fred merely rolled his eyes, hiding a smirk, and kept walking. He was lead through the courtyard and over the covered bridge until they were far enough from the castle for them to be all alone. The field of grass situated in front of the owlery was now a giant patch of snow.

"I hope you didn't bring me here to make snow angels." An eyebrow is raised.

George shakes his head and a smile appears on his face.

'No. Not snow angels. I wanted to build a snowman with you."

Fred can't hold back a snort as he hears it. He stops when he doesn't his twin laughing with him.

"You're serious?"

"Of course! If there's one thing I'm serious about, Freddie, it's snowmen. C'mon, let's get to work."

Little Talks | Fred Weasley x Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now