Reunion in Vacation

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The avengers were on vacation but Steve did not go bc he had a mission. Nat went and stayed in the room bc she was sad without her boyfriend. Steve talked to the avengers and said that he was going to the vacation later but he said to the team to not said anything to nat. The avengers were confused bc they do not know Steve and Natasha are dating.

Nat was sulking in her room. And Tony went upstairs and said "are you naked!!? Can I come in"
Nat said "yes what" Tony entered and lied to her saying that they were going to the beach. He said to her to put on a swimsuit and come. He literally threatened nat to come.

Nat put on a white two piece bikini and got a mesh black cover up.

She is walked to the beach sulking and seated on a towel with her sunglasses.
All the team were really suspicious nat noted. But she did not expect a shadow that looked exactly like steve. She got up and ran for 2 minutes straight to jump on Steve. Steve catches her and scooped her up Nat kisses Steve not caring about the team being there. Steve stayed charging her and Steve walked up to the other while holding her. They were all shocked. Imagine Tony was speechless bc they did not expect the kiss between the two. Nat had her face on Steve's neck while crying she had not seen Steve for six months and she needed him so she was climbed to him.All the avengers stayed shocked and Steve said to nat whispering if the should advise about her relationship and she said yes. Steve and nat said to the team that they have been dating for almost a year and the team were cheering and screaming about that. Nat stayed clinched to Steve she stayed the whole day. Tony and Clint scolded nat like two times for being in a bikini around she just stayed Clinged to Steve while the others teased her

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