"Super Yoosung"

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You glanced at the clock again for the 42nd time that morning. 2:43 a.m.

You twisted and turned, as slowly as you could, careful not to wake the sleeping body next to you. You wished you could join him in his slumber, but here you were, your brain repeating useless interactions with people from the day before, wondering if you'd said the proper things. What was with you today? You knew that your body was exhausted, and that you were obviously ready to close your eyes and recede into your subconscious. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't fall asleep.

Another glance at the clock. 2:45 a.m.

You sighed again, settling to lie on your back, praying that you wouldn't wake him. Him.

You smiled. Yoosung had been up just hours earlier, yelling in victory as he leveled up once more. "Go Super Yoosung!" you had cheered from your spot on the bed, cuddling a pillow and smiling. He had turned around in his chair, sporting that boyish grin that you loved, absolutely beaming. "It's because my cheerleader is the best too!"

He continued to smile at you and then, suddenly, his face turned bright red, and he adjusted the headphone mic closer to him. "No, I am NOT a simp..." he whispered harshly. You stifled a giggle, continuing to watch him play.

And now, he was fast asleep--the exact state you wanted to be in.

You shifted on your side again, face away from him this time. Maybe you should just find something to do; after all, those cookies weren't going to bake themselves, right?
Before you could even decide whether or not turning on a stove at 2a.m. was a good idea, a strong, firm arm was thrown and wrapped around you, pulling you closer. You could audibly hear Yoosung talking in his sleep, mumbling something about maxing out his armor. You giggled softly, wishing that you could turn around and see whatever face he was making in his sleep. Somehow, you were content with being in what was, in reality, a very uncomfortable position, all for his sake.

However, you heard him shuffle around again, drawing himself much closer to you, his breath now tickling the back of your neck "MC..." he whispers, startling you. "Can't sleep?"

You sighed: nothing got past Super Yoosung.

Turning over, you finally took a close look him, and your breath hitched as your heart quickened. His blonde hair was messy and disheveled, his violet eyes half-lidded and sleep ridden. "I was thinking of you, Cutie Yoosung~" you smiled cutely.

Yoosung's eyes closed fully and he hummed, smiling.

"That's not how I imagined I'd keep you up at night."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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