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Hello, welcome to DIVERGENT TIME.

This is where I'll be obsessing over the books, movies, characters, actors, ships, the plot and my favorite lines. So if you don't want to read me fan-girling for 10 minutes, trust me, skip for your own benefit because shit gets crazy. *sighing emoji*


Ok can we just talk about HOW HOT four is. Like seriously. IT ISN'T FAIR. I want to fly to LA just to find him and hug him. Like OH MY GOSH HES SO FUCKING ATTRACTIVE. DAMN. I had a phase after finishing Allegiant to watch all his movies. My search history was literally all "Theo James", "Four", "Tobias Eaton". My plex server said "recently watched" and it was ALL Theo James movies. If I had a therapist, that's when she would have to tell me I have a problem. But WHO watches divergent series and DOESN'T have a Theo James addiction. See THAT would be a problem, THAT would mean something was seriously wrong with that person. I feel bad for the people who haven't even seen him or divergent. Like IM SORRY your missing out on the hottest person alive. I would PAY HIM to stomp on my heart or to break my neck- IT WOULD BE THE BEST THING THATS EVEr HAPPENED TO ME. I just want to die in his arms.

(I swear i'm not mental pls don't call the suicide hotline ty)

Btw completely irrelevant to divergent, Theo James' historical thriller, "Backstabbing For Beginners" the girl he falls for "Nashim" portrayed by Turkish star "Belçim Bilgin", OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I MET HER IN TURKEY AFTER SHE HAD WORKED WITH THEO JAMES ON THE MOVIE. In the movie she played the role of a Kurdish girl who falls in love with Michael Sullivan (Theo James). THAT MEANS I MET THE GIRL WHO WORKED AND MADE OUT WITH THEO JAMES, THE HOTTEST GUY ON THE PLANET. Please shoot me now.

Tobias: Hey Tris,

Tris: Hey...

Tobias: You have Eaton all my Prior-ities

ANSEL ELGORT. OH MY GOD. When I was small, I literally had the biggest crush on him, he was my favorite artist and I listened to his songs on repeat for HOURS. When I first read the Divergent trilogy, obviously I had no idea MY CHILDHOOD CRUSH WOULD BE PORTRAYING THE ROLE OF CALEB PRIOR. So you can probably imagine my reaction when I first saw my favorite book turned into a movie with my FAVORITE SINGER ACTING IN IT. I did not expect it AT ALL and I literally screamed when I saw him in the movie. AAAH. I still cant believe it tho, its just something I would have NEVER expected.

I CAN'T STAND PETER. All he cares about is to be on the winning team, I swear Tris has saved her too many times. WHY did he even last till Allegiant. PISSES ME OFF.

*Any word that comes out of Peter's mouth*

Me: Shut the fuck up even Amity would punch you.

I have a question for the Divergent Fandom. WHY. IS. EVERYONE. SLEEPING. ON. ERIC!!!


He might portray the bad character in the movies but WASN'T HE AMAZING? I had a serious crush on him after I watched divergent, and when he died in Insurgent, a part of me died :((

I swear something is wrong with me I'm so emotional and I cried because the bad character died- BUT THERE WAS MORE TO HIM THEN BEING BAD. UGHHHHSUSKLJDLKJDLASJDAH. Can anyone just feel my pain tho.. HE WAS HOT ASF.

And his accent, OH MY GOD JUST KILL ME NOW AT LEAST I'LL KNOW THATS THE LAST THING I HEARD. HIS HOT AUSTRALIAN ACCENT. I wish he got to speak in his real accent in the movies it was sad to hear him make an American accent :((

*Tris sees Four for the first time*

Four: What's your name?

*Tris panics from Four's attractiveness*

Tris: Whateveryourlastnameis.

When I bought the Divergent trilogy, there was a 5th small book which explained the factions and which one you would be in. For anyone wondering AAAH I'm a AMITY AND CANDOR.

Mark Zuckerberg: I made facebook.

Steve Jobs: I made apple.

Veronica Roth: Bitch please, I made Tobias Eaton.

I swear Veronica Roth was a genius writing such a masterpiece. I mean creating this whole new world with different rules, factors for all the people based on personality, the rare and special divergents who are the most beautiful people with all factors in their hearts, but also hunted down by society. WOW, seriously. The emotion, the love, the bravery and the fear. The importance of family and equality. Societies assumption that Divergents are dangerous and should be killed. The ones who stay alive, the ones who die. EVERYTHING she has written is forever in my heart.

Did anyone else notice Veronica Roth in that one scene in the first movie? Where the Dauntless tell Tris their short-way/tradition of zip-lining across the city and going up the stairs to reach the balcony, where the door opens and they all crowd around. I SWEAR I saw her in that crowd.

*Dauntless jumping off trains and climbing poles, throwing knives, beating each other up, shooting*

Me: Cant even get up my seat while reading the divergent trilogy.

"I want someone to look at me the way Tobias looks at... cake"


Cake. CAKE. I swear I died. The memes online about Four only going to Tris' funeral for the cake- I CANT HANDLE IT, ITS TOO FUNNY. In the book, he doesn't even have an obsession with cake, he just mentions "I only came for cake", but thats just what fandoms do to you.

I guess Tobias EATon cake in Tris' funeral AHAAHAHAJHDSKJDIKJKSD.

Four and Tris tho- THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER. In the books and movies, the connection was just unbelievable like they were actual goals. The way 4 kept his distance but flirted with Tris. AAAGH it was so hot. Best fictional couple ever, Period. BUT HAVE U SEEN THEM IN REAL LIFE. When they're not acting, the way they look at each other AAH oh my fucking god IT IS ADORABLE. I swear Shai and Theo need to be together and make beautiful divergent babies. I am not okay with this. They're both so perfect and beautiful.

Four: Hey Tris, I'm going to throw knifes at your head, okay?

Tobias: Theres a sale in my room today,

Clothes will be 100% off..

Tris: *Drools*


Who ever thought of this is a complete genius.

"Tobias has four fears. Four lines make a square. A square is one of six faces to a box. Tris has six fears. Tris gave Tobias' life "a whole new dimension", and Tobias completes Tris. "

Parents: Put down your book and come spend some time with your family.


Parents: Come down here right now!


Parents: You have 5 seconds. 5...4...

Me: Four, like the number? Tobias?

Parents: My child is insane.

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