Finale Part 1

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"I've always wondered about these types of things... I mean. Think about it. How exactly does something like this even happen?" You were able to muster it out of your mouth. Your hands shaking from pure utter shock. Not even able to lift your head from the ground to the news that you heard.

"This is simply how it is. We can't really do anything about it. I'm sorry." Your dad comments with a frown on his face. He grits his teeth as he looks through a few papers on his messy desk. "Though... This is rather sudden. But Charlotte Dunois will be returning back to France."

"They can't just do that! Charlotte is going to... I don't even know what they're going to do to her!" You put your face over your face, still struggling to comprehend it all. You stand up before slowly walking over to your father. "Come on. There has to be something, right?! They can't just take Charl out of the school for no apparent reason!"

"Well. There's a reason for it. Accordingly to it all, it's because she was part of an international conspiracy to steal secrets for the production for the next generation of I.S. models." Your father comments looking through the papers with a frown. He raises his eyebrow to the fact, looking at the documents and the people who signed them.

"Steal secrets?" You question, thinking about it. While it wasn't technically wrong, it had more to do with Ichika Orimura and how it affected him. But even still, to go deep into the route of stealing secrets like that did not seem like her at all. He had to do something. "Come on. I need something! Anything! There has to be something to save her! She's obviously being framed here!"

"I can't do anything. The man that is accusing Charlotte is the minister of war for Japan after all! I don't get to make the decisions in these times. I just have to follow what he says. These secrets that Charlotte has been accused of stealing could very much jeopardize everything as we know it!" Your father shouts, raising his eye level to yours. Despite his words, he felt hesitant about it.

"Then why isn't she being prosecuted here!? Something is not right, in all of this! I can tell! I'm not just going to sit idly while Charl is potentially in danger for her life or even worse!" You yell out, your father was taken aback from this loud outburst that you gave. This was a rare sight for him to see in you. A person who never really stood out, let alone talk back from something that you believed in. Even when you knew that you were correct, you would always never spoke up about this.

In that rare moment, he saw your mother, that fragment of her that was in you. The strong conviction for when it truly mattered in life. To never give up, to pierce through what you would consider unjust, the strength that gives hope that the path that you walked, despite difficult, was something that you could push on through even during your lowest of lows.

Your father simply stared at you, in shock and awe before sitting back down on his office chair. He looked through the few pages of documents with a careful look in his eye, hoping to find something that would satisfy this unsettling feeling inside of him. It was until he realized a small post-it note attached to the back of a piece of paper. He takes a look at it, reading the contents allowed.

"You have one day to make your choice, old man. Ryoma." The name echoed into your head, looking down at the papers over your father's head. He looked at the signature through the documents.

"Kazuma... Ryoma." You make out, taking a step back. Your father looked up with confusion in his eyes. His eyes squint at your reaction to the name.

"That is the Minister's son's name. It probably has nothing to do with it at all. A damn shame. The best thing that I can do is arrange a meeting with him, to find out what evidence he even has." Your father comments.

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