Express Press Cafe

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"Alright guys I think that's about it. Thanks for coming and we'll reconvene tomorrow," Amanda said, fiddling once again with the cardinal necklace around her neck. She had a slight southern twang to her voice that just barely shined through but David noticed it.

"Thanks Amanda," said Luke, "Who's ready for lunch?"

"My god I'm starving," Ken responded in agony and leaned back in his chair.

The three of them sat up from the conference table, "Are you coming David?" Amanda asked.

"Where are you guys going?"

"To the coffee shop down the street. They have this ceaser turkey wrap I've been craving all day." Ken said while putting his notebooks away in his briefcase.

"Yeah, I'll come. That sounds great," David said and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Bet, we gotta be fast, Maria hates it when we leave the office for too long," Luke held the door open for the group and together they walked down the hallway.

They emerged from the building. The overcast Seattle sky loomed overhead and it smelled like rain. The four of them walked down the sidewalk towards the coffee shop as cars sped by.

"So David, are you from around here?" Amanda asked.

"No actually I'm from Maryland. I moved here last week."

"Oh cool! I'm kind of your neighbor," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm from West Virginia. Cardinals the state bird," She gestured towards her necklace proudly. "I miss it sometimes but the wilderness around here makes me feel right at home. A lot of great hiking."

"Wow, that's awesome! I've heard great things about the hiking out here. I'm not the biggest hiker but I guess I gotta start if I'm living here." He said.

"I can show you some trails I know of if you want to go sometime!" She smiled excitedly.

"Just don't let her murder you in the woods," Ken said jokingly as he and Luke walked a little further ahead.

"Shut up" Amanda jokingly shoved Ken.

Finally they made it to the coffee shop. Express Press Cafe was posted in big white lit up letters above the door. The trim of the building was meticulously symmetrical and painted a chilled grey color. The door handles were like big matte black logs. It was like hipster city, definitely not the typical place he'd go to.

When they walked in he noticed the floors were white marble tile with swirls of grey throughout. The counters looked like they were constructed of recycled wood and the espresso machine was polished and shining even in the dull Seattle light. Everything on the menu was a dollar more expensive than anything in Maryland but it smelled a million times better than the cafes in DC.

In the glass display case there were extravagant sandwiches and pastries that were so perfect you would think they were fake.

"What can I get for you?" said the lady at the register.

"Black coffee and a butter croissant please" David replied.

"That'll be $9.86"

He handed the lady at the register 10 dollars, put an extra two in the tip jar, and then went and joined the rest of his colleagues.

At the table they all chatted about their boss, Maria, who apparently savagely fired the last digital marketing junior associate because he was 20 minutes late to work. Apparently that was also the day that her husband had filed for divorce, and since then she had become severely depressed and cold. She was a ruthless leader in the office and even big shot managers above her were shaken by her presence but she did her job well so no one ever questioned her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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