Poker Face

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Mo Wan: All of you are really in sync...and I know you will take this as a compliment but it's kinda scary.

The squad: Looks at Mo Wan with the same smile

MC Ayers: drags Gon out of the table

MC Ayers: Better?

Gon: Yes, thanks

Gon: still nervously overworked

Gon: I'll probably have to ask for a day off to Alexa---

Me: We're not thaaattt bad!

Gon: Yeah but I'm tired!

Mo Wan: No its perfectly funny

MC Ayers, Freyr, Aaron: stares in shock at Mo Wan

The squad: Like we've said...your also the don't get payed if you don't deal. And your probably getting more because its Freyrs birthday...

Me: Aweee Thanks Mo Wan!


Everyone stares except the squad at Me and Mo Wan like we are mentally insane

Me: Glances at Mo Wan 

Both of us: Break out laughing

Freyr: I think we finally know what you're like internally Mr. Zhang..

MC Ayers: I've never been more concerned of them than I am today---

Me: I can get people to show their real sides! Don't ya like it Mr. Chairman/ gangster.. while I look at him with a raised eyebrow and smirk


Aaron: I should've just go back to San Francisco

Me: dark laughs while turning back to the table with Mo Wan silently chuckling beside me

Also me: Now we don't have a dealer....

MC Ayers: Same Aaron, I regretted this decision in a lifetime


Me: But they aren't as i like to figure out your poker face

MC Ayers: Same! Your poker face is really cute you know!

Me: It really is

Gon, tsundere mode intensifies: Ca- CAN YOU PLEASE NOT?!

MC Ayres: haha now its my turn to mess with you

MC Ayers: Mentally~ <333

Gon: Now your on her side glances at me huh

MC Ayers: Hey at least I do that with love~

Also MC Ayers: and No...i am not on her side.I slightly pout, it's just fun to see you flustered

Gon: * slightly regretted his words * Sorry, my bad

MC Ayers, me, and Mo Wan: start laughing again

Freyr and Gon: Well NOW i just feel attacked

Aaron: trying to keep himself together and not freak out

The squad: stops watching the situation and steps up Its our that we're a "group" and all

Mo Wan: whispers good job keeping the cover...yall are really good

Freyr: I wonder if you could fire your old gang members

Me: smiles again

MC Ayers: I'm so sorry Aaron---

Mo Wan: probably, I have high status so most likely yes.

Aaron: I-Its ok...they just kinda scare me

Freyr: Good to know, their gossiping in the VIP gambling room is annoying the hell out of me

MC Ayers: I'll get you a beer

Aaron: Good idea

Mo Wan: You're not the only one who thinks the same

Freyrs Birthday ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now