Chapter 10: New mission

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December 13th 2557,

"Ow! What the hell!" I said when I woke up.
Sarge was standing above me with his Magnum in his hands.

"Sorry to startle you, just kidding!" He started laughing like a crazy person.
"You should have seen the look on your dumb ass face!"
I got up and pushed away the laughing Sarge.

I walked down to the HUGE room made for Spartan training and debriefing, I was greeted by my squad and a different spartan to them.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I asked.
The mystery spartan walked forward and said,
"Nothing much Alex, you know while you where getting your sweet sleep the rest of your squad was getting prepped for your next mission!"

Woah, what was his deal?
The mystery spartan then took off their helmet.
The Spartan wasn't a dude, it was a girl.
"My name is Palmer, and I have been ordered to debrief you."

"Nice to meet you ma'am." I said politely.
I walked over to the rest of my squad, who were very much enjoying me getting yelled at by Palmer.

I got suited up for whatever the mission was, since I was late Palmer couldn't really give me that many details and the others where quiet, it's almost as of they where scared to tell me where we were going.

"Attention all hands we are about to jump into slipspace please brace yourself!" Said a intercom.
The ship started shaking like crazy and then we jumped into slipspace, and almost instantly arrived at our destination.

"56th squad on me!" Yelled Connor.
We entered the escort Pelican and lifted out of the hangar bay.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "And why is no one telling me?!"
Garrick sat down and said,
"Go look for yourself."
I walked up to the cockpit and instantly saw the reason why they where so scared.
Directly ahead of us was a Halo ring.

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