eighteen; sketches

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When Ophelia wakes up beside Jj in the Chateau's spare room, she genuinely doesn't want to get up. She looks over Jj's sleeping form, as peaceful as ever. Ophelia smiles to herself, moving the duvet off of her body as she moves to sit on the edge of the bed, pausing to stretch out her spine.

She hears a low groan emerge from Jj, followed by him grumbling out, "Where are you going?"

Ophelia shrugs, "I don't know. I was gonna paint."


Ophelia chuckles, turning to face the blond who lays in a mess of sheets, "No?"

Instead of responding, Jj shifts closer to her, wrapping his arms around Ophelia's waist and dragging her back under the covers, making her laugh loudly at his antics. Ophelia turns so she's facing him, a grin on her face and a lazy smile growing on Jj's, "I told you: No."

"We have things to do today."

"They can wait."

"Jj," Ophelia giggles as the boy tightens his arms around her. Then, she hears the Pogues starting to putter around the house, and she looks into Jj's eyes, "Should we tell them?"

"Do you want to?"

"I don't know," Ophelia mumbles, "We have to at some point, but I'm pretty content staying in our little bubble."

Jj nods, "Me too."

Ophelia places a few pecks on Jj's lips, pulling back she whispers, "We do have to get up though."

"Fine," Jj grumbles, "One thing though," Before Ophelia can ask him what he means, his lips are on hers. Softly, slowly, and enough to create a frenzy of butterflies in the blonde girl's stomach. When he pulls away, they both smile at each other, "There we go," Jj says, releasing Ophelia so she can get out of the bed.

She grabs some clothes from the dresser, a pair of jean shorts and a long sleeved RipCurl shirt that Kiara had bought her for her birthday a few weeks ago. She goes to the bathroom and changes. She gets herself ready for the day, brushing her teeth and rinsing her face. Ophelia throws her hair up into a messy bun, baby hairs framing her face. She also cleans her glasses, putting them on and leaving the bathroom as soon as she's done.

Right away, Pope is calling her from the kitchen table, asking for her to look over their plan for getting the gold out of the well. Ophelia looks over his shoulder at the sketch, grabbing his pencil and correcting a small part of it. They chat about it for a while before they head outside. Pope starts gathering things they already have from around the Chateau, starting to get it ready. He also grabs a pot, briefly explaining to Ophelia that they'd be melting down the gold bars and bringing them to a pawn shop.

Ophelia sits in the Twinkie, the door of it open as she mindlessly sketches out a set of eyes, she doesn't know who they belong to, but she makes them as detailed as she can.

After a while, Kiara keeps her company, Sarah joining as soon as she arrives at the Chateau.

Kiara picks up the paper with Pope's sketch on it that had been set by Ophelia's feet as she explains the plan to Sarah, "He said it look something like this."

"So..." Sarah trails off.

"That's fifty feet down, and they're using one hundred feet of rope," Kiara continues, using her finger to highlight the areas of the drawing, "So I guess this little wagon will go straight to the gold room."

"Who drew this?" Sarah asks, laughing as she looks over to Ophelia, "Was it you?"

The blonde girl scoffs, looking up from her page, "Obviously not."

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