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" Ana I'm done for the day "

Rosairo signed her check out sheet for the day, and the other teen girl behind the counter. Hanging up her apron on the hanger and adjusting the notepad and pens lined up in her pocket, she sighed. Then slung her backpack around her body to get use to the weight again. 

"No lover-boy picking you up today?", Ana nudged the other girl which was out of character of her. She was usually very quiet and shy even to Rosairo who she considered one of her closer friends. "Don't call him that, he's being a dick head",  the filipina released her hair from her ponytail to let her locks fall. 

" Ey not that type of language in my restaurant", Mr. Delago scolded her and brought forward a bag to her. "Mija this is for you", he laid in front of her but immediately she started to shake her head in refusal. "I insist plus it's already late", Mr. Delago pushed the bag closer to her now. "Thank you Mr. Delago", Rosairo had given in just by the feeling of her stomach rumbling.

"Be safe now Rosairo, see you tomorrow", Ana walked the other to the front entrance and left with a hug.

It was still a warm summer night not lining up to her likings. Rosario sat down on the curb of the street, 'of course he's a no-show'.  Not like she cared obviously, she started her walk home. There were still plenty of people out, cars still passing by , street lights buzzing to keep the darkness away. This city truly never sleeps, unfortunately for Rosairo all she wanted was sleep.


She finally made it home, well almost. She had to pass by the Guzman's house which was next to hers. Going against the wall and sneaked under to where the house's kitchen window was ,the girl suddenly popped up unaware her victim was the person she hated the most at the moment.

Angel Guzman.

The poor man-boy got the life scared out of him and nearly slipped, while Rosairo on the other side of the glass was laughing her butt off. He took a moment to calm down and grabbed a towel to throw where she was at the towel. It just caused her to laugh some more while he threw muffled curses at her. Rosairo remembering that she's still pissed at him stuck her tongue out and flicked him off.

Angel did the same, flicked her off through the window. Which was a great mistake seeing as his mom walked in to check what was all the ruckus was about. To see her own son flick off a girl meant a chancla his way. Rosario waved hello to the other woman while her friend was going to get into a lecturing, which she returned with a smile. After she saw Angel get pulled away by the ear she walked towards her house. 

Now she had finally made it the small two bedroom house and turned on the lights, leaving the bag of food on the tiny dining table. Checking the calendar it would be about two weeks before he came home. Rosario headed to her room and placed her bag down on her bed against the corner. She pulled out all the tips she earned today and stuffed it in one of the jars under her bed. Bringing her attention back to her bag and pulled out the extra worksheets out brining it with her as she left her room. 

This time Rosario left on the lights and locked the front door, but just to unlock the door again to grab the food and dash.  She went straight to the Guzman house and swung the door open to be greeted by Angel's grandmother.

"Hello I brought food", Rosario went to give a hug to the older lady and set down the food on their dining table. "Little Rose, Angel is in his room. Let me set up the table." she tried to usher Rosario to check on Angel. "No its okay let me help you first, you can just sit down", she changed her tracks to get a set of four plates, spoons, and forks. "Now go check on him, I'm not that old yet", she pushed Rosario to the hallway to his room while calling for her daughter to help her.

The door to his room was open a crack but stable bumps could be heard outside where she was standing. She rolled her eyes and opened the door just enough for her to get in then closed it shut this time. "That is such a bad habit you're really going to dent your head one of these days ass-wipe", Rosario found Angel smacking his head repetitively on the wall. He just gave her a death stare not particularly fond of seeing her at the moment.

"As you would care you would just laugh when I do", Angel hit his head one more time before the girl pulled his hand to join her to sit on his bed. "Let me see", Rosario took his head in both of her hands and examined the red spot on his forehead. "Got your hands are freezing" "Just shut up it will help", she put a hand on top of his red spot for him to complain and squirm.

"Where were you today, I told you how important it was for me. I wanted you to be there, but they didn't even give me the time of day. You promised to walk me home to after work. Don't even try speaking yet I'm not done yet", she broke the silence and closed his mouth as he was trying to explain himself. "I get it you feel like you belong its just, you're too smart for this. I just care for you thats all. You don't have to apologize but I'll be in the library tomorrow if you want to talk some more" she placed her hands off his head as her eyes lowered to her lap and he started at her while the lights coming from outside danced on her face. "Oh I got your homework too. I really hope you can come back to school with me tomorrow. We got a new math teacher again.", she placed the homework on the other side of his bed and stood up.

"I'm sorry Mira", Angel grabbed her hand and placed it back on his forehead lightly pressing it over and over. "It's okay come on I brought food"


A/N I'm so sorry for the delay on updates. I'll try my best to update as soon as I can! I plan for this book to be like my other ones to be short but sweet/emotional? but lets see where this takes us. Thank you guys so much!

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